.Chapter 12.

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The bell rang, signalling for the end of the day, I got up from my chair and sighed, I have nobody in geography, so I had to walk up to top site as everyone's classes are up there. As I was walking I felt my body being pushed into the lockers.

I turned my head and saw it was the three bullies standing there, smirking evilly, "Hey faggot, haven't seen you in a while." The leader says in my ear and I shake my head, "fuck off, I'm tired of this bullshit." I try and push him off me but he grabs onto my arms.

"No no no, you're not leaving just yet, we have something special planned, considering we haven't seen you in a while." The guy on the right says, I was about to say something when I felt his knuckle connect to my jaw, bone to bone. Instant pain rushed to the area as I breathed in hard. Trying to make it not affect me.

"Leave me alone." I say and push the leader away. The guy on the right took this as an opportunity to strike and he kicked the back of my knee, making me buckle my legs, I then felt a blow to the back of the head and I fell straight on the floor. "You're ours and No one else's!" One of them shouts, but I didn't know who it was as I had my eyes closed and I tried to not let the tears escape my eyes.

"L-Leave me alone." I whisper and they shake there head as I started getting kicks and punches thrown at my body, Offensive cuss words escaped there lips as they screamed names that would always swirl around my mind late at night.

Kill yourself,

All of them ran straight into my ears and struck straight into my brain as all I felt was pain and emptiness, they soon left me, after the leader giving one finale kick. They left me there, I have never had them all beat me up, just a few punches and names, but never this bad.

As soon as they left tears escaped my eyes. My consciousness soon came over my fazed feeling and I could hear my phone buzzing. I reached for it and sat up the lockers. It was multiple text messages from the group.

Josh: Has anyone seen JJ?

Sammie: last time I saw him was with Po.

Porshea: he has geography last lesson, he might still be down bottom.

Ethan: JJ reply please!

Tobi: Come on bro we care bout you.

Sammie: Maybe he ain't reading the texts?

Simon: He's most probably home.

I sighed as I texted a quick reply to all of them.

JJ: Guys, don't worry, I'm at bottom site hall, just don't come down, no point.

I quickly sent that and sighed, I tried getting up but my body just flopped straight back down again. I didn't try again. Because I knew I wouldn't do it. "Somebody help me. I can't take this anymore" I whisper as I sobbed loudly in the empty halls of the school. What I didn't realise was that my pinky on the phone speaker and that got sent straight to the group chat. I tried standing up, slowly this time, and I succeeded, I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my pocket.

I couldn't take this anymore, the words that they have engraved into my brain have made me feel nothing but emptiness, and I need to feel again. I walked down the hallway to my geography room and opened the door, luckily it wasn't locked so I quickly grabbed a pair of scissors before leaving the room how it was. I gripped the scissors tightly as I walked down the hallway to the Toilets. That's when I heard them.

Them meaning my friends. "JJ? WHERE ARE YOU?" Harry shouts, my eyes instantly widen as I see shadows at the other end of the hallway. I quickly ran back where I came from and hid behind the corner. "Check the bathrooms," Sammie says and I look down and see the Medical room. I quickly run to there, despite the pain that my legs are bringing me and I opened it. I quickly shut the door and I looked through the glass of the door.

The guys ran straight past the door, and I sighed in relief as I slid down the door. Staring at the scissors. "Am I going to go through with this?" I whisper to my self as I sigh, I roll my sleeves up and see my clean wrist, no scratches, no nothing.

I sighed shakily as I brought the scissors close to my wrist. Everything was dead silent, the only thing I could hear was my heart beat in a very high pace. I pushed the scissors down on my wrist and closed my eyes tightly, as the scissors pierced my skin, I almost screamed out in pain. It felt like the mental pain evaporated and traveled all the way to the physical pain that I've created on my skin.

I kicked the floor hard as I painted heavily, a fresh set of tears rolling down my cheeks. I looked down and saw a nice, neat line across my wrist, with Crimson dots poking up from the wound and slowly spelling down my arm. The pain was sensational, it hurt so much but it gave me so much... I don't know relief. That it almost made me smile.

I did it again, and this time it hurt more. I did scream, which most probably alerted them I was in here, but I didn't care, all I was focused on was the pain that consumed over my broken body. "Shit." I whispered as I threw the scissors across the room. I started sobbing quietly as I felt ten blood trickle down my wrist slowly. Pulsing out of the wounds.

I stood up and grabbed a cloth. I cleaned the wound, hissing at the pain, before bandaging my wrist. I pulled the sleeve of my jacket down and sighed, before walking out of the Medical room and made my way back home.

Thinking of Excuses I could say when I entered the house.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please comment, and talk to you all later. X

Love you allXxX

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