.Chapter 9.

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I stare at Simon as he goes upstairs, sighing as he walked past me, he walked upstairs and I hear his door slam shut, "he needs to learn that Taylor isn't perfect." I sigh and itch my nose. Ethan nods. "He just needs to pull his head out of his arse!" Ethan says the last bit louder so Simon could hear and Vikk giggled.

"Has anyone checked to see if Sammie's okay?" I ask and Josh nods. "I checked on her when we left the school, she's doing fine apart from major stomach and head ache." He says and I nod. "Daddy Zerk, always caring." Ethan says and Josh hits Ethan playfully. I laughed at there stupidity and I went to the lounge, all of them following.

I put YouTube on the TV and sighed, everyone sitting. down. "Does anyone want a Drink?" Vikk asks and I shake my head. "Yeah can I have a Beer?" Ethan asks and Vikk nods, Josh tells Vick he doesn't want one as well and Vick gets up and goes to the fridge.

I went on my phone and decided to text Tobi.

JJ:  Yo, You okay bro? Simon was beings bit of a wanker today.

I almost got an instant reply.

Tobi: Yeah I'm fine thanks. I can't believe Simon Believes Her over Sammie, especially since Sammie has been bullied before.

JJ: Yeah..

Tobi: You okay?

JJ: Yeah, just Po told me something today, don't worry bout it.

I looked up and saw Vikk and Josh cuddling on the sofa, Vikk was asleep on Josh's side as they had there hands interlocked, I smiled at them, Josh was pushing the hair out of Vikks eyes and staring at his face, they looked so cute I didn't disturb them so I went back to texting Tobi.

Tobi: Yo please tell me, you know I won't tell anyone.

JJ: fine, Well, you know when Sammie was bullied in secondary school, I know who the bully was.

Tobi: Wait who?

JJ: Taylor...


Jj: Please don't tell anyone about it.

Tobi: I won't. Sammie's awake now so I got to go, bye.

Jj: See you later bro.

I turned my phone off and I see Ethan on his phone, I didn't want to disturb him so I got up and I went upstairs, I was about to enter my room but then I heard quiet sobs coming form Simons room. It broke my heart when I heard that and I couldn't not go and see if he's okay, so I nocked on his door and he muffled a quick "Come in" and I entered his room.

There he was, sitting on his bed with tears falling down his face. He looked like a mess. "Oh no Simon what's up?" I ask him and shut the door. "I just can't believe Taylor would do that to Sammie, she's so nice and kind." Simon says as I sit down, I wrap my arm around him and he leans into me, it made my heart rate immediately increase but I didn't make it suspicious.

"She was kind in you're eyes, but hurtful in everyone else's." I elaborate and he just nods. Like he was lifeless. "But I thought it was only joking that Sammie returned, like. I didn't expect Taylor to almost kill Sammie." He says and I nod. "You don't deserve her. She just isn't... You're type." I say and he sighs.

"But I love her. And I don't want to not be with her." He says and I just sigh and nod. "You are so blind aren't you." I say more to myself than him. "What?" He asks ad I sigh. "She's horrible to you. She always calls you names, never tells you that she loves you. It just pisses me off." I say and he shakes my arm off him.

"You don't know anything." He says and I groan loudly in frustration. "I don't want this fight again." I say and he looks me dead in the eye. "You're the one that brings it up." "And you're the one that continues it." I but in and he just shakes his head. "Just shut up." He says and I shake my head.

"No you shut up, I'm tired of this, 'You don't know anything' shit because I know that she isn't what you need right now." I say, standing up. "No, I'm not shutting up, she is exactly what I need right now." He says and I face palm. "Just piss off, you're starting to annoy me now." I say and he stands t up as well. "I'm not pissing off its my room." He says and I roll my eyes a him.

"I can treat you better than she can." I exclaim and he shakes his head. "Fuck off, you'll never be as good as her."

That's when I lost it. When my body didn't take full control of the situation.

I grabbed his hips.

And smashed my lips onto his own.

Sparks flew from my chest as I smiled s little into the kiss. But I knew he would push me off, he's not gay, but he did something I thought he'd never do.

He kissed back.

He delicately lifted his arms up and around my neck as he kissed my lips passionately. Me kissing back with just as much thought. I tried to savour the taste of his lips, because I knew that this wasn't going to last. Now I've got him in my embrace, I don't feel like I'd ever let go.

I delicately guided him so his back hit against the wall gently and I departed our lips for me to catch my breath back. "I've been wanting to do that for so long." I whisper as I kiss him again, he kissed back but with a Lot more force now. "I love you Simon." I whisper again and he just nods and brings our lips back again.

We broke apart and I just sighed as I dropped my arms to my side, he looked gobsmacked, shocked that he kissed another guy. But I just sighed. "But you'll never love me." I say and then I left his room and then ran out of the house.

I can't see his disgusted face about me kissing him.

Because it would break my heart even more because I know I can't have him.
Very late chapter but hope you enjoyed nonetheless! If you did please comment, otherwise talk to you all soon! X

Love you allXxX

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