.Chapter 24.

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It's been a week after Sammie's suicide and everyone still hasn't watched the video, we have been planning to watch it today, everyone is over, I just don't know when.

"Hey, you okay?" Simon asks me and gives me a big hug, I just nod and smile, breathing in his cologne, he has been acting very strange lately, he's hardly talked to Taylor and had been flirting with me a lot, I don't know what's happened, but it's really starting to freak me out, even if I do like him more than a friend.

"Guys, when are we going to watch the video?" Po asks and everyone shrugs. "Come on, let's get it over with." I say and everyone just nods before we all go upstairs. "I don't want to do this." I hear Tobi whisper to Vikk and I see Vikk pat his back, I just sigh before walking up the stairs and going straight to my room, everyone following me.

I loaded YouTube and went straight onto Sammie's channel.

And there it was.

"Goodbye World" Ethan reads out as its no clickbait thumbnail, just her crying. "I can't click it." I whisper and try and force my hand to click the video, but I couldn't. "Why would she post the video if she didn't want people seeing it?" Harry whispers and that was a very valid point.

"I'll do it." Josh says and places his hand on top of mine and takes a deep breath in.

And then clicks the video.

It immediately loaded and I shook my head as I jumped up from my chair.

It was her, in The flat you could see the little pistol on her bed as she sobbed quietly, and then breathed in. "I am the Real Samantha Hobson." Tobi immediately started shaking as he sighed. "And this is my goodbye I guess" she looked behind her, at the gun and I shook my head, Vikk turned his head and buried it into Josh's chest.

"I just want to say, that I love every single one of you guys, but I don't know why everyone hates me so much." She exclaims. "No body hates you!" Ethan shouts at the Computer screen and shakes his head, like shouting would make her stop what has already happened.

"But I guess I do, because now I hate me too.." She looks down and Panic shot at her face. "That's when I texted her." Tobi whispers, "I'm just, I don't see the point in trying... Or For talking, for breathing." She whispers. Tears streamed down my face.

"I love my friends I hang out with, but do they care about me, me getting bullied every day, getting bullied my whole life, for being pale or weird, or ugly or worthless." "We Did Fucking care!" Po shouts at the screen, just like what Ethan did.

"I'm just done."

"So that's it I guess.. Bye" her voice cracked and then it went straight to one of her recommended videos. "Holy shit." Simon whispers and I couldn't believe it.

She just left us, before of something that could of been fixed. "I tried so hard to stop her. So fucking hard!" Tobi whisper/Shouts. "But she still did it." Josh whispers and I sit down on my bed. Everyone had tears in there eyes, not one of us spoke for 15 minutes, the only thing that filled the room was Vikks quiet sobs.

"I found this, at the back of her cabinet the other day. I thought I would bring it over because I already knew it would be a shit day." Tobi says and hands out a bunch of pieced a paper from his pocket.

We all sit down in a circle and the pieces of paper where in the middle. "These are the notes she made all of us, I haven't read any of them, but if you can find yours." Tobi said before Po grabbed the bunch and handed them out to each of us.

"Dear Josh." Josh reads out, cautious if we shouldn't read the letters out, and everyone nodded.

From than on we read all of the letters, until it got to me, Po and Tobi.

"Dear JJ" I whisper, sighing loudly.

"I met you through Po, and I'm so glad I did, you're the most funniest person I've ever met, we have had dark and light times together, especially since you where the first one to find out about my 'Mental Illness'. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you've always been there for me, you're like my brother, always caring. I guess I just needed to say goodbye. Everything got to much for me. Much love JJ, please take care.


I stared at the letter, my eyes wide as tears fell slowly down my cheeks, everyone was upset, crying, and some sobbing. "Wow." I say and shake my head. "That's so nice of her to say that." Harry whispers and I nod.

"Dear Po." Porshea starts.

"We have known each other since birth, literally. You where the one person that always stuck by me, and even with all the shit going on, I still can't tell you how much you mean to me, You introducing me to all of my friends have seriously made my day 100 times happier, I just guess it didn't turn out to well, did it?" Po reads, tears where coming off her cheeks and splashing onto the piece of paper, but she didn't care. She just carried on reading.

"You introduced me to Tobi, the best day of my life, you really helped me show hat happiness truly is. And I thank you for that, I love you sis, please take care, love from you're weird Best friend, Sammie." Harry wraps an arm around Po as she sighs loudly. "I miss her." Po whispers and everyone nods. "Everyone does love." Ethan says and I nod.

"Dear Tobi" Tobi whispers.

"I can't tell you how much you mean to me, how much you have helped me, we have been going out for three years now, You know everything about me, a lot more than any of the guys do. And I know a lot about you." Tobi sighs and wipes his eyes delicately.

"Remember when we stayed up all night talking about how stupid the FIFA17 free kicks where? And when we would watch horror movies and scream at what would be happening? You truly made me happy, But everything got to much, bullying, home life, I guess I just had to leave you. Please take care love, find someone else, someone that makes you as happy as you made myself. Take care my doll. I'm already missing you.

Love you so much, Sammie."

Tobi placed the paper delicately on the floor as everything was dead silent, everyone was cuddling someone, Vikk and Josh, Po and Harry, and Ethan just moving to comfort Tobi, I just sat there, not sure what to do, when I felt an arm around me. It was Simon.

We all just sat there for a while, not saying anything, not feeling anything.

Just thinking.

What to do next?
I hope you guys enjoyed, if you did, please comment, otherwise, I'll talk to you all soon! X

Love you allXxX

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