.Chapter 3.

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*Two Hours Later.*

Everyone had the rest of the day off, the whole sidemen group are here apart from Simon, and everything was doing fine. Everyone was down stairs, Sammie and Po where talking, Me and Ethan where watching Tv, Vikk and Josh where getting snacks and Harry and Tobi where playing Pool. We heard the door open and then someone slammed it shut. "Hey guys! How's you're most favourite girl in the world!" We hear the winey voice of Taylor Smith echo through the house.

"Oh why are you here?" Josh sighed, coming in with the Doritos and sitting down. "Because I thought you'd want to see you're favourite girl." She says, Vikk comes in with a few drinks and sits down next to me. Sammie and Po where still talking, oblivious about Taylor being here, they must be in a really deep conversation.

"Hello? Haven't you noticed me already?" She asks the girls and they both snap there heads up and groan instantly. "Oh Sammie has no makeup on, you look like an alien." She says  to Sam but Sammie's eyes where glued onto the to screen.

"OH MY GOD THERE WAS A VAGINA ON THE TV SCREEN!" She screamed, standing up and pointing at the Tv screen. Everyone instantly laughed at Sammie not even paying attention to Taylor at all, and of course, Taylor didn't find that okay.

"Oh My god No Rewind VIKK!" She shouts and he immediately jumps and grabs the controller before rewinding it, and then he paused it just at the right moment. Me and Ethan instantly laughed as everyone ran to the TV screen. "Ugh! Hello?!" Taylor shouted but Everyone was staring at the TV screen. "Shut up woman." Po says as Sammie laughed.

"Yo she is going at it." I say and Ethan Slapped me. "You're so fucking weird." Harry says to me and I shrug. "Yo it's true." Harry gave an agreed facial expression and I looked up at Taylor to see her pulling up her already Small skirt, a little too high. "Where is Simon anyway?" I ask Taylor and she just shrugs. "He went to get me a Drink from the shop." She says and winks at me. I instantly made a disgusted face at her and she just flicked her hair over her shoulder and sat right in the middle of Sammie and Po.

Sammie's POV

Me and Po where talking about what was going to happen soon, because, considering all the boys have different houses and live with there friends, we thought, why not see if we could buy an apartment in the building where Tobi and Harry lives, because we heard someone moved out of there. I was in the middle of helping Po plan a new video for her Channel when Taylor came over and sat straight in the middle of us.

"Hey girlies!" She exclaimed in a weird Voice. "First of all, we aren't five." I tell her and she giggled, thinking it was a joke.  "And second of all, bitch we aren't a plastic doll like you, get out my way." Po says and pushes her of the couch. She looked at us in disbelief. Like, 'how dare you disrespect Taylor Smith!' Before we all heard the door slam.

I see Simon enter the living room and Taylor instantly ran up to him and hugged him. "Baby!" She exclaims before throwing his arms around him and Snogging him. I turned to Po and pretended to shove two fingers down my throat and gag and she laughed loudly. "Go up to you're room if you're gunna do that down here!" Tobi shouts at Simon and I chuckled at him as Taylor and Simon went upstairs.

"Ugh she is so fucking weird." Harry says and I nod. "How could anyone like that?" Vikk says and I shrug. "What he's into I guess." I say, I see JJs eyes faulted in happiness a little bit, what's up with him? He has been acting very strange recently and he never normally got down, but he's been a lot less chirpy, and when he is you can tell it's fake.

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