.Chapter 25.

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We all sat there in a circle, still as statues, and then I noticed another piece of paper on the ground. I grabbed it and it turned out to be multiple pieces of paper.

"If I died don't wake me." I read out, everyone jumped at my sudden talking. "What?" "If I died don't wake me." I repeat and Tobi's eyes widen. "There's more." I look down and grab another note.

"Don't tell me you love me, we both know that's a lie so goodbye." I read the other note and Josh furrows her eyebrows. "Wait, why would she say them things?" "Because Taylor made her think that I cheated on her and didn't love her." Tobi says to more Simon and Simon looks down in guilt.

"When I fall I fall hard, I can't drown my demons they know how to swim." Po reads the one she grabbed. "Holy shit." Ethan whispers, this stuff was already starting to trigger me, badly.

"And if you're still breathing you're the lucky one, because I'm heaving through corrupted lungs, I wish I was dead and cold."Vikk reads out the last note. I felt my hands start shaking as I moved them to the cuts on my arm, I started scratching it.

I looked across me and Pos eyes where wide, staring at what I was doing, I just shook my head and stood up. "I'm going out for a walk, don't wait up." I whisper, I quickly walk out of the room and go straight to the bathroom, I grab my shaving thing and take the blade out of it before putting it in my pocket and heading downstairs.

I grab my shoes and left the house, I started walking quickly down the street but I heard someone shouting. "JJ, wait." I turn around and see it was Simon. "What do you want?"
"I can't stay in there, they are blaming me because I'm the one going out with Taylor," "Taylor made Sammie do this, it isn't my fault they are blaming you." I exclaim and he sighs.

"I need to escape from this.. From this guilt." His eyes instantly glistened, I didn't like that look at all. "JJ, kiss me." "What?" "I just need to escape for a little while." "Simon, I'm not you're toy so you can just use and throw Back into the dark play box." I state, but he was already so close to me.


I felt his lips delicately touch mine as his hands tangled around my neck, I don't want to do this, I'm not his toy. But his lips felt amazing. I kissed him back gently and placed my hands on his hips. But then the image of Simon kissing Taylor entered my mind and I pushed him away.

"This is not fair on Taylor." "I don't care about Taylor." "If you don't care than break up with her." I tell him and he sighs. "It would break her heart." "And all of you're friends hearts have been snapped because of her."

I turned around quickly, not realising that the blade fell out of my hoodie pocket and only when I heard the metallic slice tumble to the ground I instantly turned back around. Simon was staring at it in horror.

"What the fuck is that." He points to the razor and I shake my head, grabbing it quickly. "Nothing, you're seeing things." "Where you going to do that to yourself again?" He asks.. And I shook my head. "Of course not." "You where." He whispers, I looked down in defeat, staring at it.

"Holy shit." He whispers, I can't run, because he is faster and easily can catch me, so what else am I meant to do. "You don't know how much shit I've been through, and with Sammie dying, because of you're fucking girlfriend, this is my only option to feel something instead of the numbness that constantly overwhelms me."

I look up at him and he sighs. "I'll do it." "What?"

"I'll do it, I'll break up with her."

"Really?" I ask and he nods, "Yeah, she doesn't deserve my love after what she done to Sammie." I nod slowly. "Now give me the blade a-" "Why the fuck do you want the blade?" "I'll only break up with Taylor, if you hand over the blade." He says. His hand out for him to have it.

I breathed in heavily. I look down at the blade before giving it to him. "Imma go over and tell Taylor, you go inside yeah?" He states and I nod.

SIMON HAS FINALLY OPENED HIS EYES, WOOHOOO! If you enjoyed this chapter please comment otherwise I'll talk to you all later! X

Love you allXxX

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