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As I got closer to the house I was regretting what I did, how the fuck am I going to cover this after today? I hardly ever wear long sleeve T-shirts, fuck. I reached the house and I immediately walked in. I still didn't know what to say.

So I didn't say anything.

"Oh my god JJ are you okay?" Ethan asks, standing up. I just shook my head and ran upstairs, I ran straight to my room and slammed my door shut, that felt like the best thing to do at this moment. I quickly took the bandage off and I looked at the cuts, the blood had brimmed up to the wound but it hasn't spilt, it's just there.

I shook my head as I went into my ensuite and closed the door and locked it. I looked down and I sighed shakily, why did I do this? I'm so fucking stupid, but it felt like the best thing at that Pacific moment. I heard a small nock on the bathroom door and I quickly rolled my sleeves down, it catching on one of the cuts, making me hiss in pain. "Hello?" I say and I hear a sigh on the other side of the door.

"Can I come in." I hear Sammie's voice echo through the door and I unlocked the door. Sammie opened the door lightly and she smiled at me when she saw me. "Are you okay?" She says and I nod, giving her a fake smile. "Can you please not give me a fake smile, I kinda know what you're going through right now." She says and I just looked down. "Did Ethan tell you?" She nods. I immediately sigh.

"He fucking tells everything shit like this! Why the fuck did I even trust him, I bet he's told everyone about thi-" "No.. He's only told me, considering I know what's it's like to be in this situation." She says and that immediately shut me up. She grabbed my hand and she sat me down on my bed.

"What happened. Tell me everything okay." I looked down at my wrist when she said that. Am I really going to tell her everything? "I Urm, well the end of the lesson happened so I was walking to meet you guys, until my bully's came over. They started beating me up, but this time they did it worse, you see, it was only hits and name calling, but they had me on the floor, punching, kicking, everything to put some pain on me." I say and she nods, taking everything in.

"Once they finished I texted you guys, saying I was fine.. But I really wasn't. I was defiantly not fine. I had never felt like. So much of a failure in life. I had been contemplating something for a while." I stopped there, am I really going to tell her? "I... I know, you don't have to tell me." She says, staring at the wrist that had the cuts on, like she knew it was that wrist.

"I'm sorry." I whisper before breaking down, she immediately came over and hugged me. "Calm down okay shhh." She coed in my ear and I smiled at her slightly as I just sobbed on her shoulder. "How did you do it..?" She asks and I sighed. "A pair of scissors." Her eyes instantly widened. "Oh no they are the worse things to do it with. Not that I'm giving you any ideas, it's just, that way is the most painful." She says and I just look down. "How do you know." I ask her lightly and she just rolled up her sleeve and revealed a mound of cuts, burns, and bruises. "Bruising yourself is alright, burning yourself hurts like a bitch, I tried doing this one with a needle, this one with the blade, and this one I did with the scissors." She says, pointing to the ragged one, it was weird, how open she was to me about this, I thinks because I've told her about me doing this, she doesn't mind sharing things with me as much.

"You didn't have to show me that." I say do she sighed. Rolling down her sleeves, "If you had enough courage to tell me what you did, then I have enough courage to show you what I do.." She whispers the last bit almost inaudibly and my eyes instantly widened. "What you do? I thought you stopped." I say and she sighed, "You know that massive argument me and Tobi had?" She asks and I nod. "Well, let's say me starting again was because of it." I just smiled slightly at her.

"I would say put on a jumper you always wear to make it not suspicious, but I don't know what the scarring will be, because you are dark skinned, the scars might be white, which is very visible." She says and I nod. "Thank you so much Sammie." She just smiles at me.

"I know how you don't want anyone knowing what you did, so I'm suggesting ways of covering it up, I would say use foundation, but my one is Snow White so that won't really work." She says and I laugh, she is deathly pale. So pale it's kind of scary.

"Thank you once again Sammie."
Hope you enjoyed this short, shitty chapter, if you did please comment, otherwise talk to you all later. X

Love you allXxX

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