.Chapter 8.

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.JJs POV. //Few days Later//

Simon and Taylor haven't talked in a while, ever since she did that to Sammie, they had a massive fight, and then they haven't spoke to each other, it's doing well to Simon, he's been his normal self and isn't always on edge. Right now we where both cuddling on the couch, I'm giving him the support he needs right now. He has to know what Taylor did was wrong.

"So, how's the new videos coming along?" I ask him and he shrugs, "haven't really posted since me and Taylor fought" he says and I furrow my eyebrows at him, he's not like that. "Don't let her get into you're mind okay, she almost killed one of you're best friends." I say and he sighs, "I know, I just love her." Them four words made my heart crack and break right in front of me.

'I just love her.'

"Anyway, let's go to school. We are gunna be late." I say and he nods before we both head off to school. We where talking about YouTube and I was giving him video ideas when we reached the school, we both walked in and got our books, as I was at my locker I looked over to see Simon and Taylor talking. I could just about hear them from where I was standing.

"Simon, I feel bad, but she deserved it." Taylor says and I shake my head. "How in the world did Sam fucking deserve it?" He goes to her. "Because she has been really mean to me lately." My eyes widen as she lied. "What has she been doing to you." Simon asks and I shake my head, does he actually believe her?!

"She had been bullying me, Po and Her have been bullying me, but Sammie has done it more, they have pushed me against lockers, thrown insults at me, it got to much for me." Taylor fake cries, I turn around and see Simon hugging her. "Shh, don't worry I forgive you." Simon says, I immediately ran to my first lesson, how the fuck could he believe her.

I enter the science room and see Po and Harry talking and laughing with each other, Harry spots me and gives me the signal to come over. "Hey, you seen Sammie?" Harry asks me and I shake my head. "I don't think she's coming into school today, she's been ill." I say and Po nods, thanking me. "Simon forgives Taylor." I say as I sit down next to Harry. Po spat out her drink when she heard them words.

"Wait what!" She exclaims in disbelief. "Yeah, Taylor said this bullshit that you and Sammie had been bullying her for a long time." I say and Po sighs and shakes her head. "I've never ever bullied her, she's the one that bullied Sammie in secondary school." Her eyes instantly widened as she slapped her hand to her mouth. "What?" Harry asks and Po shakes her head.

"Fuck I wasn't meant to say that." She says and I looked down at the table. We all knew Sammie was bullied in secondary school, but she never mentioned who did bully her. But now I guess we do. "Shit please don't tell her you guys know." She says and me and Harry both nod. "Don't worry, we won't say a thing." I say, the people that hurt me, they haven't turned up in a while. Which is pretty good.

I see Simon and Taylor walk in, Simon gives a disgusted look at Po and I sighed in annoyance, "I can't believe him." Harry says, Po places her hand in Harry's to try and calm him down. "Don't worry okay, he's only trying to protect his girlfriend." She says and Harry shakes his head. I look over at Simon and Taylor and he was talking to her about something, but she wasn't listening. If I was her, I would listen to every syllable he creates from his mouth, because his voice is so beautiful and he's so perfect...

But he wouldn't talk to a freak like me.

/Break Time/

We where all sat down at our usual table. Sammie wasn't here because she's I'll but Simon also wasn't here. Tobi looked so sad, he wasn't even touching his food. Just pushing it about on his plate. "Tobi, bro you got to eat." I say and he sighs, "I am, I just feel bad for leaving her today, she's really ill" he says and I nod. "She'll be fine, she completely understands that you need to be educated." I say and he nods.

"The bitch has arrived." Josh says to everyone, I look up and see Taylor and Simon coming our way. They come and sit down st the table and everyone was silent. "Hey boys." She giggles and looks at Po. "Hey bitch." Taylor says to her and Po shakes her head. "Fuck you." Po spits and I sighed, I looked over at Tobi and his fist was clenched tightly as he stared at Simon.

"Why the fuck is she here." He says to Simon and Simon shrugged. "Maybe because she's my girlfriend, but where's you're girlfriend? Oh yeah, not here." He says and Tobi shakes his head. "She's at home because of this bitch." He turns his head to Taylor who was checking her lipstick for the billionth time.

"Hey, don't call her that." Simon says and Tobi stands up. "I'm not hungry, I thought you knew better than this Simon." Tobi says before walking out the cafeteria. "Oh finally he's gone, he was honestly boring me," she says and I shake my head at her. "Oh fuck off you piece of plastic." Ethan says and I chuckled.

"Oi Aren't you going to get me a glass of water?" Taylor says to Po like she was her slave. Po turned around and gave her the middle finger before turning back to Harry. "Oh, fine, go talk to you're boyfriend." She huffs. "At least she talks to him, unlike you talk to Simon." "And there not dating." Josh and Vikk say to her and she immediately stood up, Simon looked like he was going to burst at us.

"Simon, there all being mean." She says and crosses her arms, putting her bottom lip out in a pout. "Come on, let's leave these twats alone." He says and I shake my head

What a nob head.

/Home time./

I haven't seen Tobi since break, so I think he went home as he couldn't be assed with Taylor anymore, I'm surprised he didn't hit Simon for being so stupid. Me, Vikk, Josh, simon and Ethan where all walking back to the house, Vikk and Josh where holding hands and smiling at something which made em smile at them, they would make a cute couple.

"Simon you're so blind." Ethan states and Simon shakes his head. "How the fuck am I blind?" He asks and I shake my head. "Taylor only made that excuse that Sammie and Po where bullying her so she could get you back." Vikk says and he shakes his head. "That's not true." He says and folds his arms. "Excuse me, Po and Sammie are the nicest people we all know, do you honestly think Sammie would bully Taylor when she has experienced the consequences herself?" Josh asks Simon as we all enter the house.

"That's a valid point." He says but then shakes his head. "Haven't you seen the video?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "What video?" He questions and Ethan grabs his phone and goes on YouTube. He clicks on the video and shows Simon it.

There they where, the girl holding Sammie's vlogging camera from her bag, and the two girls beating Sammie up in the corner of the room, Pulling Sam's hair out, kicking and scratching her. Shouting insults at her, Taylor shouting insults at her. The camera was shaking as the girl from behind it was laughing. Then they dragged Sammie to the stalls and then pushed Sammie's head into it, Sammie was banging on the stool for help, but no one was there to help her.

"You should of killed yourself a long time ago." Taylor screams as She pushed Sammie's head further in the toilet. I couldn't watch as I walked away, I've already seen it, Po walks in and then the end picture was Sammie lying in the floor, lifeless. "That's not Taylor." Simon says and gives his phone back to Ethan.

"What the fuck! It says in the title, 'Taylor Smith almost Drowns Sammie Hobson' with two laughing emojis." Ethan shouts at Simon and he shakes his head. "Fuck off, as I said before, Sammie bullied her." He says and I shake my head and grab Simon by his arms. "Stop denying it. You know it's Taylor, and she's fucking lied to you, again." I say and he just sighs.

"I'm going to my room."
Come on Simon, just admit that you know Taylor is lying, if you enjoyed this chapter, please comment, otherwise talk to you all soon. X

Love you allXxX

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