.Chapter 17.

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All of us had a free period last lesson so everyone started walking home. I was lagging behind as the Tutor teacher was talking to me about my grades and that I was 'Failing' in maths.

I just sighed before leaving the room. I was walking down the halls when I felt someone smack the back of my head. "Don't You dare Touch my boyfriend ever again." I hear the whiney voice of Taylor burst into my ears. "Oh fuck off I never touched him." I say and she smirks. "He told me that you kissed him, weirdo, and he immediately pushed off. Didn't he. Because he loves me, and would never love a fucking N**er like you." She says and I just sigh.

"What ever you say barbie doll." I say and she laughs. "Well atleast I'm not gay. Like you're dumb ass." She says and I laughed. "He said he pushed me away right?" I ask her and she nods and smiles evilly. "Well tough luck, because he actually did kiss me back, actually made out with me, Actually. He let me push him up against a wall and snog his face off. What does that say about you're precious little boyfriend." I say and she looked at me like I was fucking insane.

"My little Simon would never ever lie to me!" She exclaims and I laugh. "I think he just has." I say before walking off. I heard her huff in annoyance and then walk the other direction. Making me laugh at her. "Fucking bitch." I whisper before leaving the school and walking back to my house.

I soon entered the house and opened the door, I was smiling to myself at what I said to Taylor, how shocked she was, it made me laugh. How she was so shocked that Simon kissed me back, but I didn't add him rejecting me, because that meant that she had won. Like she always does.

"Hi Olajide." Po shouts from the Living room. "Fucking hell do you and Sammie ever leave this place?" I shout back and Po gives me the middle finger. "That's a bit rude." Sammie shouts at me and I laugh and go to the living room. "What did the teacher want?" Harry asks and I just shrug.

"She says I am 'Failing' in maths. Like what the fuck? I'm doing perfectly fine." I say and Sammie sighs. "You're better than me so if you're failing I'm just completely off the list." She says I just smile and shake my head at her before sitting down.

"How's Taylor?" I ask Simon with a smug look on my face. "She's going mental at me.. What did you do?" He exclaims the end part, standing up and scrolling through texts. "Nothing." "Yes you did! She's going fucking mental." "I told her the truth!" I say and his eyes filled with anger as he stared at me.

"You did what?" He growled through gritted teeth. "I told her the truth." I repeated and stood up. Making myself look as big and intimidating to Simon as possible, because I'm not going to go run off crying.

Not again.

"I. Can't. Believe. You." He says, everyone was dead silent. Which made me laugh. "I think you should believe in me as I did say." I smile before walking away, that's all that needs to be said. "Get the fuck back here." "And do what? Look at you're little barbie doll get angry at her 'Ken' because he kissed another person, never mind a guy, and never mind there best friend." I say and he went to throw something at me and I dodged it. "Ooh, feisty one you are." I say and he shook his head.

"You're ridiculous." "And you love me for it." "I di-Don't love you for fucking anything. I fucking hate you." He says and I just chuckled, but on the inside my heart broke just that little bit more. "Aww, is Simon getting defensive?" "JUST SHUT UP." He shouts at me before putting his phone down, we where now in the kitchen, and we where both so close to each other, but that didn't make me do anything, because we are having a fight. And I need to put my point across in some other way than fucking making out with him, again. "Make me." I smirk at him as he looked me square in the eyes.

Then he did it.

He made me shut up.

He smashed his lips onto my own and grabbed my shirt. I instantly put my hands on his hips and kissed him back, I didn't make the first move, he did. He laced his fingers into my hair and pulled. But I didn't care. "I fucking hate you." He says before kissing me again. "But you drive me crazy." He whispers against my lips before kissing me again.

Holy shit.
I hope you enjoyed this shitty ish chapter, if so please comment, otherwise talk to you all soon. X

Love you allXxX

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