.Chapter 14.

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Me and Sammie left my room and went down stairs, me putting my jacket on that I came to school with. Went into the kitchen as we knew everyone would be there. Everyone smiled at me as Sammie patted my back, before walking over to Tobi. I sat down next to Simon and he groaned. "Do you honestly have to sit next to me?" He spits and I immediately looked confused. "What the fuck have I done?" I ask and he just sighs.

"Basically Fucking telling Taylor about what happened a few days ago." He says and I just shook my head. "Shut up, she deserves to know." "Know what?" Josh asks, and me and Simon both shook our heads. "Don't worry." I say and Simon just looks at me in disgust. "Why the fuck did you even do it, weirdo." He says and Po looks at me sympathetically. I just shook my head.

"You make me sick." I say to him and he just flips me off. "Fuck off if anything I should be the person feeling sick" He says and I just stood up. "Fuck off you sket. You didn't stop me." I say and he stands up as well. Both of us staring at each other in anger, "Still doesn't mean I think it's right." He says and I just snarl at him. Is he actually this homophobic? Or is he just denying that he is gay. By hating them.

"Well you defiantly didn't mind it." I say and he just squints his eyes at me. "Get it out of you're head now that I liked that for one second." He says and I just flipped the chair over. "Just piss of you immature cunt." I say, everyone was dead silent, everyone watching and listening to mine and Simons argument. But that defiantly didn't stop us. "I'm immature?! You're the one calling me names." He says, standing up as well.

"Why can't you just admit that you didn't mind it." "Because I have a girlfriend." He cuts me off and I just shake my head. "I can treat you better than her." I say and he gives me dagger eyes. "She treats me like a normal girlfriend would." He retaliates and I groan. "Fuck offff, she is not a 'Normal girlfriend.'" I say and he just sighs. "Why The Fuck Do you even care! WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT ME!"


I shouted. His eyes instantly widened and so did everyone else's. "I'm in love with you Simon and she treats you like utter crap, and you think that's okay." I say to him and he just looked shocked, he just kept staring at me.

"I'm just going to leave." I say and I immediately leave. "Where are you going?" Harry shouts and I just sigh as I walk to the door quickly.

"Out" I felt a hand grab my wrist that had the cuts on it and I immediately hissed, I looked to see who it was, Porshea's. I Immediately tried to get her arm off me but she was strong. Her fingers dived into the cuts more aNd I felt like screaming. "Po!" Simon says, I see Sammie run out and look at where Po's hand was and immediately flinched. Simon sighed as he looked almost heartbroken, but disgusted at the same time. "Let him go." She loosened the grip of my wrist and I immediately pulled it back. Sighing in release as tears rolled down my cheeks.

I immediately ran out of the house and ran down the road, down by the local park. He is a fucking prick. I fucking hate Simon. Why is he so fucking horrible, yet so fucking nice, the only person that has made me felt so heartbroken, yet the only person who had made me fall so deeply in love with him I don't think I can ever crawl out of the hole I'm in.

I screamed in anger as I hit a tree hard with my hand, I sobbed loudly into the tree as I fell down onto my knees, sobs escaping my lips when I hit the damp grass. I rolled my sleeves up and looked at my wrist, there was blood on the bandage from I presume when Po had her hand on them.

I sighed shakily as I took the bandage off, I wiped up the blood with the bandage instead of using it again. It was no use after it being bloody. I soon cleaned it up again, and sighed shakily. Looking at the slightly deep wounds I inflicted onto my self, the wounds that will be on my skin forever. And hound me for eternity.

I just sighed as I leaned against the tree, I picked at the grass with my non injured hand and tried to calm myself down, I was in the park. But it was deathly silent, the only thing you could hear was the tweeting of birds. I smiled slightly as I took in my surroundings. A swing set, Nice big trees, the dark sky looking like rain is going to pour from it, the birds hiding in there nests and trying to protect there babies.

I looked down at my wrist again and that just broke me down into more tears, why did I do this? Why is my life so fucked? Why can't I be normal? Why can't I be like everyone else and not like the same gender?

I was thinking so hard I didn't realise that someone was standing right at the edge of the park, tears trailing down there cheeks as there eyes focused on my wrist.

But I was to busy thinking about my feelings.

Not everyone else's.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did please comment, My Birthday is tomorrow yay! I'm sorry for shitty chapter had no other ideas, anyway,  talk to you all soon! X

Love you allXxX

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