.Chapter 20.

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Sammie's POV.

"You worthless bitch!" She screams at me whilst she slaps my cheek, her friends there, smiling evilly at me. My eyes water as I look at them, "Aww the bitch is crying." She screams and I shake my head. "Fuck you!" I shout at her, but she just laughs.

"You don't deserve to live, Tobi never liked you, you know that right?" She laughs at me, and I shake my head, don't let her words get to you. "Kill yourself you bitch." Maisy shouts at me. "That's not true." I whisper to them, suddenly feeling small. "Yes it is! The guys never liked you, Tobi is only going out with you for a dare, he doesn't care about you, no one fucking does." She screams at me. Before kicking the back of my legs, sending me to the floor.

"Kill yourself, you don't deserve to live."

Taylor says before the bell rings, they laugh at me before walking away. I sigh shakily before standing up, my leg killing me, before anyone could see me I ran out of the school and let the sobs flow out of my mouth.

I ran all the way to min and Tobi's house. Going up the stairs before going straight to the apartment, I opened it with my key before closing it, I ran into our room and cried into my pillow. "Why why why why WHY?" I screamed and threw an empty glass across the room and it smashing.

'Kill yourself bitch,'
'No one cares about you.'
They all hate you.
'Tobi did it for a dare'

I lifted my head up and sighed. I went to the cupboard and went straight to the back of it, finding the little pistol I bought when I found out my dad started taking drugs again. I look at the camera from my set up and sigh.

I go over to my chair, placing the gun on the bed, and sitting down on the chair, I turned the camera on, I can't leave my subscribers without saying goodbye. As the camera turned on and started recording. I sobbed quietly before taking a deep breath.

"I am the real Samantha Hobson." I say to the camera. "And this is my good bye I guess." I whisper, looking behind me at the gun. "I just want to say, that I love every single one of you guys, But I don't know why everybody hates me so much." I whisper, before wiping the tears away from my cheeks.

"But I guess I do, because now I hate me too." I looked at my phone and saw I was running out of time. "I'm just, I don't see the point in trying... Or for talking, for breathing." I whisper. "I love my friends I hang out with, but do they care about me, me getting bullied every day, getting bullied my whole life, for being pale or weird, or ugly or worthless." I sobbed, shaking my head.

"I'm just done."

"So that's it I guess.. Bye." My voice cracked before I stopped recording it and going straight to uploading it, titling it 'Goodbye World' it said it would take half an hour to upload so I sighed before I looked down at my phone.

I decided to text Tobi.

Sam: I'm sorry, I love you.

And then I wrote a note to all of my friends.

I did this because I needed to leave, it was my time to go, goodbye guys, I love every single one of you. Remember that.


I grabbed the note and put it in my pocket, before sobbing loudly and grabbing the gun.

This is it.
So Taylor fucking pushed her over the edge, what bitches, if you guys enjoyed this short chapter, please comment, otherwise I'll talk to you all later! X

Love you allXxX

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