.Chapter 7.

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Sammie exited the lesson, I smiled as she left. She's had a hard time, well that what I'm guessing from all the shouting. I looked over and saw Tobi biting his finger nails nervously. "Bro, You okay?" I whisper to him and he looks up and nods. "Yeah... I just really hate fighting with Sam." He whispers back and I just nod.

"She still loves you, you just care about her." I state, and he nods. "If only she knew I Cared." He says and I nod sadly, only the group know about what happened in high school, she got severely bullied, and she had it really bad with her parents as well. The lesson soon ended and when we left I immediately saw Taylor waiting.

"Hey boys." She says seductively and I shivered. Ew ew ew. "Oh shut up." Ethan says, I laugh at his reaction. I guess he hates her as much as everyone else does. "Hey baby." Simon says and gives her a hug, but she was to busy checking her make up to care. "What lesson do you have next?" Simon says and she sighed. "Why do you always ask questions?" She asks and I shake my head. "Because he wants to know what his girlfriend is doing." Harry states sassily and Po laughed at his silly behaviour.

"Ugh, I've got French." She says to Simon and he nods, "I have drama, so meet at break?" He asks her and she sighs, "I'm with Becky and Melissa" she says and Simon thinks of another way to see her, "Okay, lunch?" He asks but Taylor completely ignores him. "Will Sammie be There?" She asks him and Simon nods, "I expect so." He says and she played an evil grin on her lips as she nodded.

"Great, see you all at lunch." She says and blows a kiss, making me cringe. "Bro she's fucked up." Josh says and Simon shakes his head, but he knew that this wasn't right. "I don't know why she has to do that." Simon exclaims and Tobi buts in. "Why did she want to know if Sammie was going to be there?" I shrugged.

"Maybe to say sorry?" I suggest but Po shakes her head. "No way would she say sorry to Sammie, they are arch enemies." Po pipes up. "What dod you mean?" Ethan asks and she sighs. "Let's just say, This isn't the first school they've run into each other." Po says before her and Harry separate to go to to English.

"What the fuck?" Josh says, confused. "I have no idea." Simon says before me, Vikk and Ethan go to history, My eyes widened as I see Josh give Vikk a little kiss on the cheek, but I said nothing of it.


Me, Po, Harry, Tobi and Vikk walk into the cafeteria, all of it noisy as we spotted the other at the usual table, the one in the far side of the room in the corner. We walk over to it and I sit down next to Simon and Ethan. Po sits on Harry's lap as I see Vikk and Josh sit next to each other, everyone was doing okay.

Until Taylor showed up.

"Hey boys, Sammie." She says and leans against Tobi's chair. I looked up at her. "What the fuck do you want?" Ethan Harry says, and she laughs. "Nothing. I just wanted to talk with Sammie for a moment." She says and puts a hand on her shoulder. For some reason Sammie nodded and stood up from her chair.

"Okay, Urm, I'll see you guys in a.. Urm bit." She whispers as Taylor grabs Sammie by her arm and I could see her dig her nails into her arm. "Simon I don't feel good about this." I say and Simon shake his head. "Me neither." He says back. "I need to use the bathroom." Po says and stand up, before walking in the direction of where Sammie went.

"Yo I don't like this one bit." Tobi says and Josh nods. "Should we go and see where they went? He asks and Simon shakes his head. "She'll be fine, Taylor's most probably saying sorry to Sam." Simon says and I nod. "That's a good point." I say and he nods.

"Give it fifteen minutes."

Po's POV.

"I need to use the bathroom." I excused myself from the table, I had a bad feeling about what is going to happen, I walked in the direction of where Taylor went with Sammie, but I couldn't find her anywhere. I tried phoning Sam but she didn't pick up.  "Where the fuck are you?" I whispered to myself, I suddenly heard laughing from the girls bathroom and I immediately ran in.

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