.Chapter 21.

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I looked around and didn't see Simon, how could he be so rude, because Taylor didn't want him coming, he didn't go. He knew something was wrong. Especially when you could hear Tobi Screaming "Why did you leave me!" Through the phone.

The doctor came out of the room and sighed. "We have tried everything we could to try and maybe find a heart beat, but, there was nothing. I'm sorry, but she is no longer with us." The doctor says to us and everyone broke down into tears. Especially Tobi.

"She had a severe case of suicidal depression, and she also had from what we can tell bulimia." He says and my eyes widened, bulimia? "No no no, my best friend can't leave us!" Po says and kicks the bench hard, before sobbing her heart out.

"She wrote a note, we found it in her pocket." He exclaims and I nod, he cleared his throat, pulling the note out and skimming it, before reading it.

"I did this because I needed to leave, it was my time to go, goodbye guys, I love every single one of you. Remember that, Sammie."

I shook my head as I grabbed my phone, texting Simon.

JJ: I can't believe you. You knew something was wrong, but you still went away with her, Sammie's gone, shes fucking gone, and you're not even here, what friend even are you, I can't believe You

I sent him it and went over to Tobi, hugging him, "Everything will be okay, I promise you," I whisper and he just stands there, sadness just eating at him as he nods. "I hope it does, because I don't know what To do." He whispers, I felt my phone buzz and took it off and saw a new video of Sammie's,

'Goodbye World.' Was the title. And everyone else's one went off at the same time, considering we just got internet from the hospital. "Have you seen the video yet?" I ask Tobi and he shakes his head. "I can't bring myself to do it." He whispers and Po puts a hand on his shoulder. "Come on love, let's walk around." She says and Tobi nods, we all know that how to make Tobi just the littlest bit better was to take him for a long walk.

They went off down the hall way and I looked around. "How could she do that to us? We are her friends!" Harry sighs loudly. "It was her time to go." Vikk says, staring at the floor, lost in thought. "Still doesn't mean she should of done it." Ethan says, "But she did... And somehow we are going to have to accept that." Josh interrupts Ethan and I just sigh and sit down next to Harry.

"Do you guys even know how she died?" I ask and everyone shakes there head. "No one watch the video, we need to get everyone to watch it together and watch it." I say and they nod, "I wasn't even planning on watching it." Josh whispers and I nod. "God this world is so fucked." I place my head in my hands and sigh.

"Urm, excuse me sir but visiting times are over." A nurse says to us and we all nod, grabbing our things and leaving, not bothering to argue. We where so emotionally drained. "Everyone keeps tweeting us." Vikk says whilst scrolling through I guess Twitter. "What should we say?" Just at the exact moment them words left Ethan's mouth my phone binged. I took it out and Saw Po had tweeted.

"@PorsheaBartaby: I'm sorry guys, I'm guessing you have already seen Samantha's Video, And it's not good news... 😭"

"I can only imagine what Tobi is going through, if Po fucking did that I think I'd kill myself." Harry says and my eyes widen "You don't think Tobi..." I ask and they all shake there heads. "He loves life to much, his biggest fear is dying, so he would never." Josh says, considering he has known him the longest, he had his arm wrapped around Vikk protectively.

We wait in the waiting room for Po and Tobi, and as soon as they came towards us, we all left. "He's going to be okay." Po whispers to me and I nod. "Thank you" I whisper and she smiles and hugs me tightly. "No problem bro." She says, we all get in the different cars and drive back to the house, considering it's only 2:47Pm so there was no point going back to school, not that we were intending to.

We arrived at the flat and all of us jumped out the cars and walked into the flat. It was deathly silent. Strange. "Oh fuck, I don't want to go back and clean the blood." Tobi says and all of our eyes widen..


"I'll come with you." I say and he nods, I see Simon run down the stairs, but I just shook my head. "What happened?" Simon asks everyone and I give him a death stare. "I can't believe you." "Come on." I say to Tobi as we leave the house and I drive us to his flat.

"You'd think they would clean up wouldn't you?" Tobi says as we enter the apartment complex, I just nodded before we headed to Tobi's and Sam's apartment, we unlocked hit and Tobi instantly let out a shaky breath. "I ran so fast, to find Sammie there with a fucking gun.... Come on." Tobi whispers the last bit.. So that's how she died, but where did she get the gun?

We walked to the room and Tobi opened the door. I instantly felt like vomiting as all I could smell was metallic blood, only just drying as it tinted the wood floor. I see that Tobi's tracked had blood on them as well, oh god this must of been so bad. He tried saving her.

But he was to late.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, if you did, please comment, otherwise, I'll talk to you all later. X

Love you allXxX

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