.Chapter 19.

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Tobi's POV.

I looked around the ICT room, no sign of Sammie, anywhere, she was here first lesson, where the hell is she now? It's nearly the end of the lesson where the fuck is she?

The bell rang loudly and as soon as I stood up my phone buzzed. I checked it and my heart instantly sank as I read the text she sent me. 'I'm sorry, I love you...'


No no no no no

I instantly ran out of the classroom and down the halls, "have you seen Sammie?" I ask Josh and he shakes his head, "Not since first lesson." I ran out of the school building and got into my car.

Tobi: Sammie Please Stop.

I texted her before putting my phone down and driving to our apartment. I tried ringing her but she didn't pick up, just let it ring. After 15 minutes I arrived at our apartment. I quickly ran to the stairs and ran up the stairs, two at a time.

I quickly got to our apartment and unlocked the door. "Sammie? SAMMIE!" I shout as I check the living room, no sigh, I check the kitchen, no sign. Where are you?

I quickly run into the bed room and my heart froze.

"I can't take it any more." She whispers as she stares directly at me, I shook my head as tears fell down my cheeks. "Don't do this Sammie." "Why shouldn't I?" "Because I love you, you're f I ends love you, you're fans." I say, but she just shakes her head. "I'm tired of trying Tobi, tired of talking... Breathing. I'm just done." "Put the gun down Sam." I say, stepping forwards.

"Goodbye Tobi." She says to me as tears roll down her cheeks. My eyes widened, "I love you." I ran to her.

"No no no no n-"

I get cut off. By the piercing bang from the gun.

"Oh my god." I whisper as my hands fly to my mouth. I quickly run over to her and grab her head, the blood already pouring out of the wounds as the bullet cut through her head with no struggle. "Sammie? Sammie no no no no Sammie please." I whisper to myself as I started sobbing. I grabbed my phone and called the ambulance.

As soon as they said they where on the way I hung up and called JJ. Ring.. Ring... Ring. Than he picked up.

I instantly started sobbing as he started asking me what had happened. "P-Please can you come t-to the h-ospital." I sob in the phone, looking down at Sammie's face. "Tobi what's happened?" He asks through the phone but I couldn't say it, the words where caught in my throat.

"Why did you leave me baby, I could of helped you." I cried into her face as I heard the ambulance come, I see JJ had hung up the phone so I just look at Sammie's eyes, they had no colour in them, drained out just a s quick as the blood coming from the wounds that disgusting bullet created.


I hear a pinging nose and look over, it was from her computer. Then my phone pinged. I looked over at it and it said. 'Sammie Hobson has released a new video: Goodbye World...'

She planned this?

I heard people coming through the door and then footsteps running and then the paramedics rushing into the room, I just sobbed loudly as I looked down at my beautiful girls face. "Can you please step aside from the body." They say and I nod, she's gone. How could she leave me, her family? Her friends?

They put her on the stretcher and we went straight to the hospital in the ambulance. We went in the hospital and they rushed her straight into intensive care to see if they could do anything. "Please let me in!" I shouted to the nurse as he grabbed hold of my body. "You can't, they are trying to help her." He says and I collapsed to the floor hard, but I didn't care. I just stared at the floor as I broke down.

I heard footsteps but I didn't move, I didn't do anything. All I did was cry. Because the hurt in my heart can't be explained in words. "What Happened?" "Where's Sammie?" "Tobi?" They asked questions and I just sighed.

I tried saying them two words, but they got caught in my own throat. "S-she.. She's G-one." I whisper and I hear gasps. I looked up and avert one had tears in there eyes. "She actually killed herself." I whisper before putting my head in my hands and crying. I felt everyone need down and hug each other.

What else could we do?

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.. If you did please comment, otherwise, talk to you all later... X

Love you allXxX

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