"Can I smoke in here?"

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A/N I don’t think anybody is even reading this, but if you are, please make contact :)


“Okay, babe, I’ll speak to you later.” I smiled down the phone. “I love you, Perrie.” We end the call and I stand, staring at my iPhone for a few minutes with a goofy grin plastered on my face. I miss that girl so much when she is away working. I am counting down the days already, until she will be back in my arms. Before I have a chance to think too much, I pick up my over night bag that sat next to the front door and take it out to the car.

I spot Ellie straight away. Well it wasn’t hard seeing as she’s wearing a bright pink top. She struts down the street chatting away into her mobile, giggling away. I busy myself in the boot of my car, unzipping my bag and pretending to check I have everything whilst watching her every move. She stops on her front door step and puts her bag on the floor to search for her door key when her eyes suddenly meet mine. She keeps eye contact the whole time, as she retrieves her key from her bag, and slips it into the lock. She takes one step into her house, and pauses, moving her head to motion for me to follow her. Like a little puppy, I shut my car boot and jog over to her house, straight through her front door.

“One minute.” She mouths and disappears upstairs, still on the phone. I take that time to wander around the downstairs of her home. It’s very nicely decorated for a small house, making it seem bigger than it actually is. She’s chosen floral feature walls in the lounge and the dinning room and has a plain, modern black and white theme in her kitchen. Cheekily, I open the fridge to see if she has any alcohol because I knew what I want to achieve with this visit. A bottle of white wine lay on the top shelf so I pull it out, quickly locating two wine glasses and pour us a generous amount each.

“Found my alcohol then.” Her voice makes me jump as she appears next to me. “Look, I think we should talk.”

I shook my head. “No. Talking is a bad idea.” I hand her a glass of wine and she takes a large gulp from it.

“No, this, us, we are a bad idea.” She snatches her eyes away from mine and begins examining her nails.

“There is no ‘us’ so how can it be a bad idea?” I lower my voice. “Don’t even try and tell me you didn’t enjoy last night.”

“I did, its just…”

“I’ve got an hour before I have to leave for the airport.” I interrupt her.

“Where are you going?” She whispers, gazing up at me.

“It doesn’t matter. So, are you going to let me do dirty things to you before I have to leave or do I need to go home for a tug.”

She clinks her glass against mine and drains her wine, so I follow suit.

“Bedroom. Now.” She orders. “Before I change my mind.”

Whoa, she’s ordering me around now, which makes a change from last night. But who am I to complain, I follow her upstairs to her immaculate bedroom and begin taking my clothes off, leaving my black boxers on. She does the same and I can’t help but watch.

“Leave your underwear on. It’s hot. Get on the bed.” I tell her. She does as she’s told. That’s what I like about her: she does as she’s told.

I climb on top of her and part her legs with my knees and begin placing small kisses down her neck and along her collarbone.

“Zayn.” She moans as she fists her hands through my hair. I reach under her back and quickly undo her bra, pulling it off her body, freeing her large breasts. My lips quickly find her nipple and I suck hard, a gasp coming from her soft pink lips.

“Get on your knees.” I growl. “Take your knickers off.” As she does what I tell her I quickly pull my boxers off and drop them on the floor. I climb back on the bed, grab her hips and quickly push myself into her. I can’t help but let out a groan at how good it feels to be inside her again.

“Are you on the pill?” I check.

“No!” she panics. “Why haven’t you put a condom on?”

“I haven’t got one so I can either stop…” I thrust into her and she gasps. “Or pull out before I come…” I thrust again. “Or you can be a good girl and get the morning after pill…” I thrust a third time.

“What ever, just don’t stop.” She moans. I slap her arse and begin thrusting faster and harder. It doesn’t take long until I come inside her and flop down on the bed. I watch as Ellie kneels up and curses under her breath as my come drips out of her and onto the bed.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” She waddles off to the bathroom so I quickly get dressed and pull a pack of cigarettes out of my jeans pocket.

“Can I smoke in here, Ellie?” I shout.

“Sure.” She calls back. I smile and light up, taking a long pull. “As long as I can have one too.” She adds.

“You’re a smoker?” I ask as she walks back into the room, still naked and takes a fag out my packet.

“No.” She snaps as she pushes a window open. “Well, kind of, I just haven’t admitted it to myself yet.” I lie back on her bed and watch her begin to pull her clothes back on with her fag hanging out her mouth.

“How long have you smoked for then?” I frown.

She counts on her fingers. “Since school, so six years. Fuck, six years! That’s a long time. I’m old.”

I join Ellie next to the window and flick the ash off my cigarette. “How old are you then, Grandma?”

“22.” She mumbles.

“I’m sleeping with an older woman.” That’s something Harry usually does. I can’t help but chuckle and mentally high five myself. “Anyway.” I take one last pull on the fag and flick it out the window. “I didn’t come round for a chat.” I kiss her quickly on the cheek. “I’ll let myself out.”

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