"No one will find out."

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“Zayn, can you stop being such a dickhead, please?” Liam snaps. I look away, taking my glasses off and rubbing my eyes.

“You lot are doing my head in this weekend.” I groan.

“Just because you’re on your period Zayn!” Louis chuckles from behind me in the van.

“It’s mainly you Louis! You’re the oldest one out of the five of us yet you act like a fucking child all the time. You’re always cracking stupid jokes left, right and centre. Yeah you can be funny at times but learn when to stop.”

“We’re just having fun!” He defends himself, laughing nervously.

“Harry just acts like a prat all the time, or talks about girls constantly, tells us all to eat properly, just a natural gimp. Niall you just encourage everyone by laughing all the time and your accent annoys me. Liam, you’re just over sensitive and too kind. No one likes a mug.”

“Alright, I think that’s enough.” Liam puts his hands up to stop me from speaking any more. “Don’t get personal, Zayn, everyone has flaws, you don’t have to point them out and use them in an argument.”

“I’m not a prat!” Harry mutters from next to me.

“Is my accent really annoying?” Niall asks Louis.

“Course not, Niall, Zayn’s just saying it to be hurtful.” An uncomfortable silence fell over us and I couldn’t wait for the driver to finally get to one of our houses to start dropping us all home.

“Well Zayn, I find it offensive that you smoke.” Harry pipes up out of the blue.

“Really? Is that all you’ve fucking got Styles?” I glare at him sitting across from me.

“Guys, stop!” Liam Sighs.

“And that you swear so much.”

“Keep going.” I can’t help but smirk. I love hearing some home truths.

“And you sleep too much, and keep out the way of the press all the time, there’s never any photos of you in the papers doing stupid stuff, the media always focus on me.”

“Because you always act like a prat, Harry, and you love the attention. You do things to attract the press!” I shoot back at him.

“You’re always rude, you snap at everyone. You never want to just hang out with us. Well at least now we know that you don’t actually like us.” He folds his arms and looks away from me. I let the silence fall over us again.


When I finally get dropped home all I want to do is go to bed. I pull my iPhone out my pocket and dial an all too familiar number and wait for my girlfriend to answer.

“Hey babe.” Hearing her voice melts my insides.

“Hey, Perrie, how are you? I miss you so much.” I breathe.

“I miss you too, I’m fine. We’re in the recording studio at the moment though, do you mind if I give you a call in a few hours?” She sounds so happy, singing is what she loves to do so who would I be to come between her and her favourite thing.

“That’s fine, baby, you go and finish recording and I’ll speak to you after.”

“I love you, Zayn.”

“I love you too, Perrie.” We end the call and I stick the phone on charge.

I must admit I felt a bit gutted that I’d heard nothing from Ellie all weekend. She came across as innocent and possibly sensitive and needy. Was I doing the right thing by getting involved with someone who I thought was needy? Probably not but she was proving me wrong. I’d given her my number Friday night and it was now Sunday night and I’ve not heard a peep from her.

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