"Fake Gucci Shoes."

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“Can I get the morning after pill please?” I mutter to the pharmacist.

“Sorry, dear? You’ll have to speak up, I didn’t catch that.” The older lady says. I swear she’s doing this just to take the piss.

“I’d like the morning after pill, please.” I feel my cheeks heat as I say it a little louder and the man behind me snorts.

“If you wouldn’t mind taking a seat, you shall be called in a moment.” She points to the black plastic chairs and I hurry over and sit down. It feels like hours before I get called into a pokey little room with a small table and a chair either side.

“If I could just ask a few questions.” The male pharmacist asks and I nod. “When did you have sexual intercourse?”

I feel my whole face glow red. “Yesterday evening.” He nods, a few strands of hair falling out of his greasy comb over. I cannot believe I am having to do this again.  

“Ok, and what contraception did you use?”

“Well, we used none. Or I wouldn’t need to be here.” I snap before I can stop myself. “Sorry.”

“And what is your date of birth?” I sit patiently as the pharmacist asks several other questions. He recommends me to go to the clinic for an STI check, gives me a lengthy, boring lecture about how important it is to use the correct contraception and finally gives me the tablet to take in front of him. I swallow the thing quickly and pay him my money and leave the small pharmacy as quickly as possible.

I need to sort my life out, I decide as I march along the busy road. I keep my head down, my heels clicking along the grey pavement. What am I doing? A single tear escapes my eye and I feel a lump form in my throat. I can’t do this; I can’t see Zayn any more. I’ve taken the morning after pill twice in one week and now feel like an absolute tramp.

“Morning.” I mumble as I pass my manager upon entering the office building.

“Eleanor Taylor you are late. Again.” Max says slowly. I carry on walking at a steady pace down the corridor until I reach my office and slowly sit at my desk. “Eleanor, I’m talking to you, do not walk away from me.” Max follows me in and stands in front of my desk causing everyone to stop their work and watch.

“I’m late so I came to my desk straight away to begin my work.” I mutter, switching on my computer.

“Can I just teach you a basic rule of conversation?” Max slams a palm onto my desk. “You look at the person who is speaking to you.” I meet his gaze and immediately look away again. His eyes are grey with anger and I feel incredibly threatened. “Look at me when I am speaking to you.” He yells.

I jump up from my chair, my fists automatically balling. “Do not speak to me like I am a child.” I almost growl.

“Then don’t behave like one. You work for me therefore you go by my rules. You arrive on time, you treat me with respect and you act like a responsible adult.” His words echo round my mind. Act like a responsible adult. If only he knew I had been at the pharmacy getting the morning after pill. If only he knew how irresponsible I really had been the previous night with Zayn. He was right. I need to act like a responsible adult. “You need to sort it out, Ellie.” He shouts, slamming both palms on my desk.

“Max you need to step away from my desk.” I warn.

“Are you threatening me? Is dear sweet innocent Ellie threatening her manager?” Max laughs in my face. I bite back my tears.

“You are a bully. You are a bully and you are manipulative, and intimidating. You treat women like we are shit on your fake Gucci shoes and I am fed up of it. Don’t follow me into this office and stand in front of my desk shouting at me, humiliating me in front of everyone. For your information I was late due to being at the walk-in clinic for personal issues that I certainly do not have to explain to you.” I take a breath. Max looks as though I’ve just slapped him in the face.

Both of us snap our heads round as a slow clap breaks the silence.

“Well that was certainly something.” Mr Flynn laughs from the door way. Max immediately backs away from my desk at the presence of the CEO of the company.

“Mr Flynn.” He sighs.

Bollocks. This is it, this is my job about to be ripped from under my feet.

“Mr Max Carson. I hope to god you aren’t running my company wearing fake Gucci.”

“No, sir.” Max’s face is beetroot and if I wasn’t involved I would most likely be sniggering behind my computer.

“My office, now.” My Flynn barks, his features becoming serious and strained. Max does as he is told and scuttles past the CEO, soon to be followed by the main man himself.

I am frozen. The rest of the office erupts into chatter, gossiping about what has just happened. I am completely frozen, my fists still clenched at my sides.

“Thought you may need this.” A male voice pulls me from my thoughts. I watch as Jason, a co-worker places a large mug of tea on my desk in front of me.

“You have no idea.” I let out a sigh of relief and take a seat on my comfy desk chair. I pick the mug up and blow into it as Jason pulls Jasmine’s empty chair from her desk and sits in front of my desk.

“I can’t believe you just did that. I mean, everyone thinks that Max is a prick but no one would actually tell him.” He chuckles lightly, his hand sweeping through his blonde hair.

“I’m just not in the right mood to listen to his bullshit. I couldn’t just sit there and let him yell in my face, you know? I may as well start packing up my shit though, Mr Flynn is sure to fire my arse.” I take a sip of tea, feeling it warm my insides.

“I’m sure he won’t, it was just an office disagreement.”

“I called him a bully and that he treats women like shit. And I accused him of wearing fake Gucci. That isn’t just an office disagreement. Why am I so stupid? I’ll have to sell my new car to pay my mortgage, I’d better update my CV and apply to some job adverts. Oh God I’m going to end up scrubbing toilets.” I put my hand over my eyes and begin to cry silently.

“You will not end up a toilet scrubber.” Jason laughs.

“This isn’t funny.” I sob.

“Miss Taylor.” I hear Mr Flynn call and stand up immediately. “My office please.” I put the mug on my desk and glance at Jason. He looks terrified for me which makes me feel even worse as I make my walk of shame across the room to his office.

“Please, take a seat.” He shuts the door and sits at his huge, posh chair at his expensive looking desk and I do as I’m told, sitting in the arm chair in front of him. “I’ve fired Max.” I gasp suddenly.

“Mr Flynn, I am truly sorry for causing a scene in the work place, I didn’t mean to call Max such horrible words. Please don’t…”

“Miss Taylor, Please.” He holds his large hand up to stop me waffling on. “I have asked Max to leave my company as he is beginning to drag my business down. I have had several complaints about his horrible attitude, and many, many complaints about his attitude towards women.”

“Oh.” Is all I manage to say.

“I am some what impressed by your capability to stand up for yourself. Carry on impressing me with your work ethic and your ability to speak out and you will go far in my company.”

“I thought you were going to ask me to leave too.” I blurt out, relief falling from my shoulders. “I was about to update my CV!” Tears begin falling down my cheeks again.

“You think I could sack a member of my staff just for telling someone the truth? Goodness, no.” He booms. “Back to work, Miss Taylor.”

“Thank you so much, Mr Flynn, I’m sorry for the disruption.” I scramble up from my chair, almost tripping over my feet and run back to my desk.

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