"I know, I'm a coward."

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Ugh, guys, sorry this is a let down. Blame jetlag. Love you all. 


Finally, after almost two weeks Zayn has let me go home to my own house. Now that the drama has calmed down and the media have other scandals to focus on I can get back to my life and Zayn actually feels comfortable with me being on my own at my house.

There are two paps still lingering. It doesn’t sound too bad but knowing that there is someone hanging around your house waiting to take a photo of you, its pretty freaky. I can’t stop peaking through the window blinds at them.

Zayn’s due round this evening and he’ll probably stay to avoid too much attention from the paps. I can’t wait to see him, It’s been about a week that we haven’t seen each other, only short conversations over the phone.

I spend my day sorting my shit out, like laundry, housework, changing the bed sheets, paying the bills online, making phone calls. Boring stuff that you have to do when you own a house. Oh, and I start to tackle the other problem in my life; finding a new job.

Before I know it Zayn’s at the door, his hood pulled over his head and ray-ban sunglasses on even though it’s dark outside. He pushes past me quickly and shuts the door, locking it and quickly pulling me into his arms.

“Missed you.” He whispers. Kissing my forehead and lets me go.

“Missed you too.” I return, making my way to the kitchen to get us both a drink.

“How long have those two been outside?” He uses his thumb to signal to the two paps outside.

“All day. They’re no problem though, I’ve been taking them tea out.” I shrug, remembering the pleasant chats with the two middle aged men. I almost felt bad leaving them outside, I felt I should invite them in our something, or let them use the bathroom at least. I didn’t though, I stopped myself.

“You made them cups of tea?” Zayn scoffs, taking a bottle of beer out my hand.

“Yeah, they’re alright actually. They were very grateful for the drinks. I didn’t tell them anything about me or us, don’t worry and they didn’t take any photos of me. I told them you weren’t coming here tonight but they saw straight through that fib although they did agree to leave once you had shown your face so they’re probably gone now.”

“You’re not bad at this, are you.” Zayn smirks, leading us into the lounge and he flops down onto the sofa.

“Not bad at what?”

“Dealing with the media. It gets you far in this game, having a good relationship with the media. I’ve never quite managed the art of it, they always seem to pick on 1D, I suppose they know they will get a good story out of us and a good reaction from us and the fans. Oh and the fact that they piss me of with the whole camera-in-the-face thing.” I watch as he swigs from his bottle. He looks tired out and pretty stressed. He has large bags under his eyes, spots along his jaw line, un-styled hair, tatty looking jeans on. It’s just not Zayn’s normal look. He’s normally flawless. Well, as flawless as a normal person can get.

We sat and chatted for a while about any gossip from our week, not that mine has been very eventful, just the fact that Jasmine is ignoring me, but that’s it on my side. I’ll have to go and see her this week. Zayn told me about how awkward it has been between the band but I have to tell him not to talk about it. I don’t want to listen to it. I can’t stand the thought of Harry, it makes my skin crawl with guilt.

“Seeing as those paps have gone, I need to pop out quickly.” Zayn jumps up off the sofa, leaving his empty bottle of beer on the coffee table.

“Oh, sure, where do you need to go?” I follow him to the door.

“Just to see a man about a dog.” He laughs, kisses my cheek and disappears.

I stand frozen, looking at the door he’s just left from. My heart crumbles. This is where it starts, isn’t it. He’s going to do the exact same to me as he did to Perrie. He’s seeing someone else and history is going to repeat itself.

Just to see a man about a dog. Aka none of your business.

What have I done!? I’ve read about this before, this is a classic! ‘A leopard never changes its spots’.

Oh God oh God oh God.

Before I have time to think too much into it, a phone starts ringing from the lounge. Zayn’s phone. It must have fallen out of his pocket when he was sitting on the sofa. I reach down and pick it up off the leather seat, seeing who the caller I.D was; Perrie.

Oh no, is he still seeing Perrie? Is that where he’s gone? Is she calling him to see if he is on his way?? I let it ring off, because, well, why would I want to answer a call from his ex girlfriend??

Within minutes the phone pings, signalling a voice message so I do the only logical thing and pick it up, unlock it and begin to listen. Well it has to be done doesn’t it? Otherwise the whole ‘not knowing’ thing will eat away at me.

“Hi Zayn. It’s me. It’s Perrie. I just, oh god, I shouldn’t do this over the phone but I have something to tell you and I’m just too terrified to do it to your face. I know, I’m a coward.” Her voice is soft and I have to turn the volume up on the phone to hear her properly. “I don’t really know how to say this. Well I guess there is only one way to say it. It’s just, well, the thing is, I think… no, scratch that, I know that, well, I’m pregnant.”

My blood runs cold. No. No.

 I don’t even hear what she says next, I can’t even tell you how she finishes the voice message. My mind is just blank, I, I, God, I can’t even think straight. This cannot happen.    

I just wanna take minute to say a massive thank you to you all for reading!! It means so much to actually get noticed and the votes and comments make me so happy!!! I can’t even tell you how much it means that you are enjoying this story! Thank you so much xxxx

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