"What the holy cow are you doing here?"

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Please note that I havent edited this chapter yet! ..Hope you enjoy it anyway!  


I sit down on the hard plastic chair in the cramped waiting room and glance around. Its full of sad looking women. In fact, I say women but most of them are my age, possibly late teens.

I’ve had to come to the Women’s Unit at the local private hospital for a check up, three weeks after my abortion but to make sure that the procedure worked and that I’m not still pregnant. It’s a bit of a pain in the arse, I’m sure I could have taken a pregnancy test myself at home but, you know, I guess it has to be done.

Zayn paid for me to go private due to the fact that we’ve denied the whole abortion thing. Everyone has to sign a contract when they come in to basically say that they won’t blab about any of the other patients in here. Even though I’m pretty sure that confidentially is a major issue in any hospital! Still, it somehow got leaked from the abortion clinic didn’t it!!

“Ellie?” A voice pulls me from my thoughts and I look around at where the voice came from. The first thing I notice are her dazzling blue eyes. It’s Perrie.

Of course. Of course this would happen.

“What the holy cow are you doing here?” I stage whisper. I quickly debate whether or not to scoot over the three chairs separating us and sit next to her but I dismiss the idea. Instead I watch as she scoots closer to me and I instantly feel uncomfortable.

“Zayn hasn’t told you then?” she doesn’t look at me, keeps her eyes focused on her hands in her lap.

“What? No, yeah, Zayn told me about,” I point at her stomach. “That.”

“Yeah well, er, I just wanted to see some one, I’m just nervous. In fact I’m terrified. I keep getting awful shooting pains in my, you know.” She finally looks up at me, tears filling her eyes. Oh Jesus Christ. What the fuck am I meant to do?

“Hang on, so you are actually pregnant?”

“Yes. I knew you and Zayn wouldn’t believe me but I am actually pregnant. And yes, it is his.” Her hands subconsciously rest on her flat stomach. “I think I may be further along than I thought.”

I can’t take this all in.

Before I can even process what is going on, the girl only bloody bursts into tears. Yes she sits next to me and cries. What the hell am I supposed to do?!? Do I comfort her? Or move away and pretend I don’t know her. “Oh for God sake.” I mumble and pull her towards me, patting her on the back. She rolls her head on to my shoulder and cries into me. This is fucking weird.

“I’m so glad you’re here.” She cries. Really? Are you? Me, of all people?

“Ms Edwards.” A doctor calls and Perrie makes a weird, snort like noise.

“Please come in with me. I need you to come in with me.” She has snot, but I can’t bring myself to tell her.

“No, Perrie, that’s just weird. I have my own appointment anyway.”

“Ellie, you owe me big time, I need someone with me, please.” She stands up, grabbing at my hand. I want to refuse but she’s right, I owe her big time after stealing her fiancé. And do I not owe this to Zayn? His ex who is carrying his baby wants me to go into her appointment with her… Surely im doing the right thing? Ahhhhhh.. But it sounds so wrong!


“I’m sorry Ms Edwards.” The doctor says, putting his equipment away that he’s just been using on Perrie. This is bad news, I just know it. “Sadly you have suffered from a miscarriage. There isn’t a reason for this, sometimes it just happens. Sometimes the body isn’t ready, something isn’t right, there are many reasons.”

“Oh God.” Perrie leans her head back on the examination bed and cries silently.

This is awful. I was not expecting this plot twist. Although I did call that she’d miscarry but I totally thought it was all fake. Well, now I feel bad.

“Could it have been something I did?” She wipes at her make up free face with the backs of her hands.

The doctor shakes his bald head. “No. You need to put it down to being ‘one of those things’. Give it three months and try again. Just don’t put pressure on yourself.” Oh, he thinks this was all planned. “Please, take as long as you need to make yourself decent. If you have any more questions please ask for me at the front desk once you have got yourself dressed. Ms Taylor please also let the front desk know when you are ready for your appointment.” I thank the doctor on behalf of Perrie and watch him leave the room.

“Please don’t leave me.” Perrie grabs my arm as I go to stand up.

“Well I was going to leave you to get dressed seeing as you are still naked from the waste down.” This is awkward enough as it is…

“I don’t want to be by myself right now. Please stay.” I nod slowly and turn my back so she can get dressed without flashing herself. “I can’t believe this is happening. I mean, the baby wasn’t planned and I was terrified at doing it by myself but now that it’s gone I’m devastated.” I nod my head, totally understanding what she means. “This is a right mess, isn’t it?”

“Let’s not talk about it, eh? You’ve just received some terrible news so lets agree to talk another time if that’s what you want to do.” Neither of us say anything for a couple of minutes, I can hear her moving around behind me, getting dressed, getting her stuff together, that kind of stuff.

“I just can’t believe I lost it.” She suddenly cried again.

“Oh, Perrie.” I jump up, not caring if she’s still got her fanny hanging out, not caring that this is Zayn’s ex, not caring about any of that rubbish. At the end of the day she is a girl who has just lost her baby. Her unborn baby died and she couldn’t do anything to stop it. I grab her, pulling her into a huge hug. Luckily she had all her clothes on. She cries into my neck for a good 5 minutes, sobbing and everything and I feel my heart breaking for the girl.

OH! So it was actually going to be a fake pregnancy but I changed my mind last minute. And yeah, that just happened.

You guys need to check out my pal @simply_the_best , she’s a great writer AND she writes in English which is her second language! Amazing right!!!

ALSO, I attached a vid of someone I know doing a cover of ‘You and I’. The end bit is awesome.       

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