"What is your pass code, Zayn?"

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“Fucking hell girl, I’ve missed you so much!” I laugh as Perrie jumps into my arms. I kiss her on the lips holding her tightly against me.

“I hate being away from you!” She sighs, a tear escaping her eye.

“Hey, don’t cry!”

“I’m just tired after my long flight and relieved to finally see you.” I wipe her tears away and peck her on the lips. I’d missed her soft lips. She lets go of me and makes her way into my lounge and falls onto the sofa. She’s home. My Perrie, my girl is finally home.

“So what have you been up to while I’ve been away?” She asks as I snuggle up next to her, changing the channel on the television.

“Not much.” Just shagging the neighbour. “Working.” I concentrate on the TV looking for a film to put on.

“I’ve missed your face.” Perrie whispers, stroking my stubble. I look down at her to find her blazing blue eyes staring up at me.

“Same.” I smile at her. “I’m so pleased I have you back in my arms.”

“You cheesy boy.” She laughs, taking my face in her hands and kissing me passionately. “Have I ever told you that I love you?”

“You may have mentioned it once or twice.” I laugh with her, nestling my face in her neck. “Maybe you should remind me.”

“I love you.”


“Zayn, you’re meant to say it back, you know.” She shoves me playfully.

“I love you.” I whisper into her neck.

“I didn’t hear that, did you say something?” she teases. 

“Nah, I didn’t say anything, you must have imagined it babe!” I laugh, sitting up again to carry on looking for a film.

“You arse!” She snorts and flicks me on the nose.

“What film do you want to put on?” I flick her back on the arm.

“Anything! I just want to snuggle in your arms and fall asleep.”

“Well we can have a nice quiet evening with a take away and plenty of snuggles then can’t we.” I kiss her nose.

Oh shit, I suddenly panic realising that Ellie doesn’t know that Perrie is home. What if she turns up?

“I’m just going outside for a quick fag before we put a film on.”

“Ok, don’t be too long!” She smiles at me as I leave the room.

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