"You are poison, Ellie."

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Thank you @arousedharry for the amazing new cover!!! I love it, thanks baba!! 


I’ve spent my life trying to get noticed by people, trying to get some sort of attention, recognition for my efforts. Why does it have to be now that everyone suddenly sees me? Why now?

I slam my front door shut behind me, shutting out the world and wiz around the house making sure every window is locked and all the blinds are closed. I double check. And triple check. There is no way any of those little fuckers can see into my house.

I’m pretty sure that if the paps put together all their photos from today you could see my journey home step by step. Literally.

What has just happened?? What the actual fuck has just happened?

I slide the chain on the front door and lean against it, resting the back of my head against the hard wood and slowly sink to the floor, letting out a deep sigh.

Everything’s a blur.

Everybody knows.

This time yesterday nobody had a fucking clue and now every single person knows the truth. I take a moment to just sit and read all of the text messages I have received to day. Mainly people telling me how much of an arsehole I am, how disappointed they are in me, that’s the general gist of most of them. I open the one from my mum, even though I’ve read it multiple times now.

*Oh Ellie. What have you done now? You had to take it one step further and get your name in the paper didn’t you? Don’t worry. It’ll all blow over soon. The main thing is, are you ok? I love you x*

The thing that sticks out to me is the one question that nobody else has asked me. I don’t know the last time I heard it.

‘Are you ok?’

Am I okay? Am I? Not really.

My phone pings loudly making my jump out of my own little world.

*Meet me at the hotel called Jury’s Inn in Croydon, South London. The room is under the name James West, Come as soon as you can x* Zayn. I know its Zayn. Well at least I can save his number in my phone now.

As much as I want to go and collapse into his arms right now, I desperately need to pay Harry a visit.

*I need to see Harry first. I’ll text you when I’m on my way.x* I quickly reply, clambering to my feet in the most unattractive way.


“What are you doing here?” I follow a crushed looking Harry into his large, posh lounge and perch on his leather sofa. His voice is full of hate and laced with hurt. He flops down onto his other sofa and sits back looking rather exhausted.

“I, I feel like I owe you an apology and an explanation.” The poor sod can’t even look at me “I’m sorry, Harry. What I’ve done is awful.”

“Yeah, I don’t really think there is much to explain, is there? I mean, you had a fling with Zayn behind everyone’s back. You picked me up half way through your dirty little affair and decided to play me along. You then mug me off and completely hurt me. Not really much to explain.”

“Harry, I wasn’t playing you,”

“But you were, Ellie!” He shouts, interrupting me and making me jump. I’ve never seen Harry like this. “You were playing me!”

“I like you, I have feelings for you. I enjoyed every moment we were together.”

“Even the time when you were fucking my best friend in his garden while I was sitting in his house?” Oh. Zayn told him. Why the fuck did Zayn tell him that…

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