The Girl That Smiles

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Johnathan's P.o.v

I pull on a pair of athletic black shorts and a plain light grey shirt. I garb my backpack and put my phone in my pocket. I jog down the stairs and go straight for the door. I'm late already, my parents see me I'm dead. My dad really wants me to get the soccer scholarship for college.

I pull the door of my pick up truck and drive.

As I get the car started and drive I see a girl walk out of the house next door from the mirror

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As I get the car started and drive I see a girl walk out of the house next door from the mirror.

She gets farther away and I get closer and alot more late to class. When I arrive to the school grounds I don't bother run to class. What for? I'm already late nothing I can do about that.

I stroll right into Calculus and take my seat in the back of the class with my buddies. As I walk down I get watched not only by the teacher but by everyone else. I sit down and take my stuff out for class. I look up at the front and have the teacher proced in teaching.

The bell rings and I pack.
"Dude why where you late?" Fran asks.
"I slept in." I reply.
"You better have a better excuse then that for the teacher." Marco says from my other side.

"Mr. Guerrero." I groan as I get called.
"I'll see you guys later." I turn around and go to the teacher.
"Yes miss." I reply.
"Your reason of being late." She says looking up from her desk and glasses on her face.

"I was late because I had to drop off my brother at school and then their was an accident as I was coming to school." I make up from the top of my head.
"Uh Hu." She says not buying it. Who would?

"Bye." I turn around and leave. She calls after me but I don't turn back to her. I walk into my next class late again thanks to that women that hates me. I walk in and I get asked right away why I'm late.
"Miss Franklin held me back in a conversation." I reply walking to my seat.

The usally empty seat beside mine occupied by girls who say they can't see the board is taken. Kinda. It's the one beside that one that is ocupado. Long black hair, is all I can see. I drop my bag on the floor beside my desk and that is when she looks.

I'm left in aw as I see her features. Her brown eyes, her long lashes, her soft like skin, her pink lips. She is beautiful. I've never seen her before. She kinda looks like the girl I saw earlier leave the house beside.

I smile and she looks to be taken back by that. She smiles back softly before turning back to her work infront of her. Her hair shields her away from me. I want to pull her hair back but that would only scare her.

I try to pay attention but with her just a seat away I can't concentrate. I pick up my stuff and when I look up she is gone. No. I never got her name. Nor did she get mine.

I stand up and walk out. I go to my locker that soon gets crowd by the guys on the team. I'm close with all of them but a lot more close with two. Francisco (Fran) and Marco.

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