End It?

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I go to the locker rooms change quickly and head back outside. I look through my phone to see if I can find Carlos's phone number. I find it and dial it.

"Hello?" He answer sounding uneasy.
  "Carlos, why the hell do you want to fight Johnathan?" I ask him.
"Well it's nice to hear you too princess. Miss me already. I knew you would." Carlos says.

"Carlos, why do you want to fight Johnathan and how can I avoid it?" I repeat.
"Sorry sweetheart but your not going to stop me. If your going to tell him, go ahead. That way he is ready and it won't be an easy fight." Carlos says.

"You know what forget it. I'll see you tomorrow to win the game." I pull the phone away and hang up.
"Who was that?" I jump and turn around.
"You scared me, Johnathan." I yell at him.
  "Who was that?" Johnathan asks again.

"Nobody. Let's go practice." I tell him and jog past him to the soccer field. I'm not going to tell him. I have an idea. He might hate me after it but it will be worth it.

Johnathan's P.o.v

Ever since lunch Camila has been a little off. Something is bothering her and I want to find out so I can help her. When I walked into the locker room Camila was walking outside already in her clothes.

I change and go outside. I see her standing away from the field talking on the phone. I walk over behind her but when I get there she is hanging up and sighs.
"Who was that?" I ask her, she jumps and I want to laugh but I have to be serious. God it's hard, I want to laugh.

"You scared me, Johnathan." She yells at me and I want to laugh even more. Calm down Johnathan. The person she was talking with is the person making her life not very good. Causing her to be a little off.

  "Who was that?" I repeat again. Camila is debating if she should tell me.
  "Nobody. Let's go practice." Camila pats my shoulder and jogs to the soccer field. Okay, that is not normal.  I jog after her and begin practice.

Marco left already. I change and run after Camila to ask her again.
"Camila, what's wrong? Something is bothering you." I tell her.
"Nothing is wrong. I'll come over to your place tomorrow morning before the game." She tells me.

Camila throws her bags in her car.
  "Bye, Johnathan." She says and kisses me quickly before getting in her car. Okay, something is totally wrong with Camila. She is the one telling me not to kiss her in public where we are seen.

She drives off and I'm still standing in the same place before she left. I walk to my truck and slide in. I drive home slowly thinking of what might be wrong.

Camila's P.o.v

I do my homework so I don't have to worry about it later. I talked with Laura and she told me that she was going to go out with her friends frm school all day tomorrow and Sunday. Her parents are out starting tomorrow until next Saturday. My plan is going to work for tomorrow.

My bedroom door opens and Kevin walls in.
"Did you tell Johnathan?" He asks me sitting in my bed.
"No." I answer.
  "It was nice knowing him for this past months." Kevin says. I crumple a paper and throw it at him.

"Your not going to get rid of him so easily. Your pretty much stuck with him your whole life." Kevin says. He walks over to my window and pulls it open. I watch him curious woundering what he us going to do know.

He throws something to Johnathan's window. Johnathan opens his window.
"Hey Kevin. What's up? Why are you in Camila's room?" Johnathan asks him.

"I'm looking for some stuff of mine she took. Can I ask you something?" Kevin tells him.
"Yeah, shoot dude." Johnathan replies.

"Do you like my sister?" My jaw drops open.
"Where is she?" Johnathan asks.
  "Work, she does part time at a dinner." Kevin answers and I roll my eyes. Then it hits me. I check the time, I'm late. I grab my keys and run downstairs to my car.

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