9 Months

205 6 0

"Jonathan!" I yell thru my phone.
"What's wrong?" Jonathan asks worried.
"My water broke. I'm gonna give birth!" I tell him.
"Holy shit! I'm on my way don't go anywhere." He hangs up before I tell him where would I go.

I was calling my brothers but they didn't answer. They didn't answer and Raúl is in Portugal. He would would have not been able to help me from across the ocean.

I have my bag and stand by the door waiting for him to come. I have terrible pain in my stomach. I open the door hen I see headlights. Jonathan sees me.
"Oh my gosh. I'm going to carry you to the car." Jonathan tells me.

He picks me up with one arm under my knees and another on my back, bridal style. He sits me down in the car and runs to the drivers seat.

Jonathan P.o.v

We get to the hospital and Camila gets taken to a room. I can't go with her because I'm not the child's father or relates to her. While I'm out here I call her brothers and dad so they can come to be with her.

I then call Raúl hopeing he will answer so he can know what is happening.
"Bueno?" He picks up.
"Ay, Raúl, Camila is in the hospital going birth to your baby girl." I tell him not knowing what other way to put it.

"Are you with her?" He asks.
"Yes and no. I'm in the hospital but the nurses don't let me go with her any farther then the waiting room." I tell him.
"I'm going to get the next flight to San Francisco." Raúl says.

"Okay, call me when you get here." I tell him. We hang up. I sit tapping my foot on the floor. I stand and walk around back and forth. Camila's dad gets here with her brothers. They ask me where she is and I tell them that they took her in.

They ask a nurse and they are taken to where she is. Everything seems to be happening so fast. Hours later my phone rings and I answer it.
"Are you coming home tonight?" Laura asks.

"Not at this moment. Could you watch Miguel for me until tomorrow please." I beg my sister.
"Of course. Keep us updated." Laura says.

I hangup and Kevin walks from a hallway smiling.
"So, what happened?" I ask him.
"They are both fine, her and the baby." Kevin says.
"Is it a boy or a girl?" I ask him.

"A girl. I have a princness as a my niece." His smile grows and I give him a man hug patting his back. He leaves and I sit down smiling. I fall asleep in the chair.

I wake up hours later to someone saying my name and shaking me. I sit up and see Raúl.
"I called you bit you didn't answer. How is Camila?" He asks.
"She is fine. So is your daughter. I'm not able to see them but you can. Look for a nurse." I tell him.

"Come with me, we can probably go see her together." Raúl tells me. We stand up and I spot a nurse. We ask her and she tells us where to go.

We reach the door and he opens it. I come in behind him and stand against the wall looking at her asleep on the bed with the fetus girl in her arms.

They both look adorable. I smile watching them peacefully asleep.
"Raúl." We turn to the side and see Alejandro awake. I forgot about them.
"What is the baby's name?" Raúl asks Alejandro.
"Itzel Ale Jiménez." Alejandro answers sleepy falling back asleep.

Itzel Ale Jiménez I repeat in my head looking back at Camila and Itzel. After a while I pull Raúl out of the room outside to talk to him.

"Raúl, I want to tell you that. I still love Camila, I have never stopped loving her. I want to begin a stable relationship with her that will lead to a forever. Right now isn't the time but want to know if I'd be able to. You know because you guys aren't together and your with Paloma." I tell Raúl. I start to regret telling him this.

"I noticed the way you would look her and Camila had told me about what happened between you guys in high school. La verdad, si tu crees que esta ves lo vas hacer funcionar. Go for it but just don't do the same mistakes you did before. Don't confuse her, or a with her feelings. We have grown out of that." Raúl advises me.

I nod, "I'm going home. I need to see my boy and I need sleep." I tell Raúl.
He pats my back, "I'll tell Camila that you were here." Raúl says. I walk out of the hospital with the image of Camila and Itzel. When Camila get released frm the hospital I'm going to tell her that she can finally use the bathbomd from years ago.

Use it as in break it or put it in water without getting in for if it expires or something. I never checked that. I stop at my sister's and pick up a sleeping Miguel. I go to my own house where I live alone with Miguel Angel.

I lay on my bed and put Miguel Angel down beside me and go to sleep. If I wake up I'll wake up to Miguel Angel crying or his movement.

Camila's P.o.v

Raúl left earlier today needing to go to Portugal. Kevin took me and Itzel home. She was asleep so I put her in the crib. I went to the kitchen to cook lunch for myself. It seems like I won't be going back to my class anytime soon.

I'll be coaching just not teaching in my classroom. I sit at the small counter eating a sandwich. I finish and go put the plate and glass cup in the sink to wash.

The door bell rings when I'm heading to check on Itzel. I turn around and open the door.
"Jonathan? Hey." I let him come in with Miguel.

"Hi Camila. How are you?" He asks me and puts Miguel Angel down on the floor.
"I'm good, hold on I'm going to go check on Itzel." I tell him. I walk into my room and she is laying on the bed, awake. I pick her up and go back outside.

I sit beside Jonathan. He looks over my shoulder and looks at Itzel.
"She is so small. Can I carry her?" Jonathan asks and I place her in his arms.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" I ask him.
"Um, Yeah sure." He answers. I stand up and go to the kitchen to make dinner for us.

I end up making a simple dinner. Pasta, with meat and mashed potatoes. I get a small bowl and put some smashed potatoes in it with a spoon for Miguel Angel.

Before I had fed Itzel before getting our food together. She then fell asleep in Jonathan's arms. He put Itzel in her crib. Miguel Angel didnt let us spoon feed him. He tried to feed himself.

"When are you going back to México?" I ask Jonathan.
"Um, I dont know to be honest. The selection hasn't hit me uo and right now I'm on vacation from Pachuca." Jonathan answers.
"So your gonna be here for a while." I say.

"Yeah, I'm going to take this time to do something I should have done years ago." Jonathan says.
"Papá, no more." Miguel Angel pats Jonathan hand.

We turn to look at Miguel Angel. I laugh seeing his messy face. He has potatoe on his face, on the table, on his clothes. I laugh seeing Miguel and the slowly mad expresion growing on Jonathans face.

"Quieres mas, Miguel?" I ask him. He nods his head and I go get him more mashed potatoes. He eats his potatoes happily. After we finish eating I go bathe Miguel Angel while Jonathan washes the plates.

He plays in the water, splashing me. After he is all clean I dry him up and change him into some of the clothes he had here that o never got rid of.

I return him to Jonathan and we sit in the living room again. We watch Miguel Angel run around the living room playing with toys.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Jonathan asks me.
"Tomorrow. Tomorrow is Saturday so...... I'm going to do nothing." I answer.

"Let's go out tomorrow. All of us. Itzel, Miguel, me and you." Jonathan says.
"Yeah, that sounds good." I reply. Miguel comes jumping into Jonathan's lap.

"Papá, cama. Sueño. Dormir." Miguel says rubbing his eyes.
"I'll see you tomorrow." I stand up.   Jonathan picks up Miguel, Miguel imediately rests his head on his fathers shoulder.

I accompony them to the door.
"Thanks for dinner Camila. I'll send you a message tomorrow morning letting you know when I'll come by." Jonathan says.

He stares at me, I notice his eyes look down at my lips. He looks back up at me.
"Goodnight Camila, sleep well." He turns away and goes to his truck. If he was the same boy from high school he would have kissed me.

But he has grown up. He has matured from playing, and bounce g between girls. I check on Itzel before I go to sleep myself.

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