What Are We

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"Is it true?" Melanie asks as we get everything ready.
"What?" I ask.
  "You and Jonathan." She says elbowing me.

"Honestly I don't know, Mel." I answer. "He have kissed but he hasn't asked me to go out with him or anything. He just says that he has the need to kiss and touch me." I answer.
"Oh, I hope you guys work it out."
"Me too." I reply.

  "So I'm mean I've asked you this so many times but are you going to homecoming?" Mel asks again.
"I am not. Cause I haven't been asked I don't got a reason to go. I'm having a day out with my brothers." I answer making something up.

"Why? Dot you guys get enough of eachother. I try to bot spend anymore time with Marco then I already do bit that's impossible because Francisco and him are best friends." Melanie tells me.

"No, I don't see them much actually. Between school, and practice I don't see Kevin around school and Alejandro is out on his own. At home we are all in our own rooms until it comes to a dinner which is like only an hour of sitting together." I tell her.
"What if you get asked?" She asks.

"If I get asked then I would go, but it depends on who is asking me that I would go." I reply.
  "What if Jonathan asked you?" She asks.
"I don't know. I'd probably say yes, I guess." I answer.

We pull the bags on our shoulders and walk out side to put them in the cars.
"Are you girls ready?" Francisco asks kissing Melanie.
"Yeah." I answer. Unlike last time when we went to the beach I was in Jonathan's car. I'm driving my car which have stuff, and Francisco and Melanie as passengers.

We are first to get there and choose a picnic table near a lake. We start placing the food out that we had in the car. Johnathan and Marco arrive later with a big cooler. And obviously we couldn't forget a soccer ball.

I lay down on the grass with a plate of snacks beside me.
  "Hey." Jonathan says sitting down beside me.
"Sup." I reply.
  "Um, can we speak later alone?" He asks.

"Sure. When though?" I reply.
  "You'll know." He says and stands back up to pass the ball with Marco. I pop a grape in a mouth.
"But what if I don't know?" I ask myself out loud after I see Johnathan playing.

I stand up and get the grill burning. I pull out the meat patties, hotdogs and steak to grill. I start getting stuff off the grill for them to eat.
"So, we all going to Fall Ball. Right?" Marco says.
"Right now it doesn't seem like that." Melanie answers.

"What do you mean?" Jonathan asks.
"I mean that, Camila might not go with us." Melanie says, I look down at my plate and my hair falls hiding me from their eyes.

"Why not?" Francisco asks.
  "I'm just not up to it, but that can change. Maybe." I stand up and pull my speaker out and connect it to play my music to change the topic. We collect the trash and Francisco and Melanie dance.

Marco pulls me to dance too. It's not something I'm 100% exellent at but I'm good. My brothers are alot better then me. They are good at sports and all but music is just something bigger for them.

I don't take any of the way he touches me serious cause we are just friends. It's just to lose up a little from school. Poor Jonathan  is sitting down watching as we all dance. Marco's hands on my hips, my body and his are super close. Thing could be put in between us.

If anything goes out of hand between any of us I blame it on the drinks. Marco and Jonathan where bringing drinks and they brought beer. His, touch, and dance moves are very sensual towards me.

"I'm going to get something from my truck." Jonathan announces.
"Okay." I reply, and look at him. He gives me a weird facial expressions and that's when I realize that this is what he ment by you will know.

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