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"This is going to be great." Melanie says grabbing her backpack and we go downstairs. I'm starting to not want to change into the other costume we have for later.

"Let's go already." I tell her. We go outside and in her car. She drives us to school and we walk in the school and head over to the guys.
"Well, aren't you guys both good and bad." Marco says.

Melanie's Costume

Melanie's Costume

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"Tell me about it. Sweet idea right?" Melanie replies spinning around to show off her our own made costumes.
"I love your costume." Jonathan says. He grabs me from my waist and pulls me closer to him and his lips touch my neck.

"Jonathan, we are kinda infront of everyone." I tell him and stand up away from him. I straighten my dress.

Camila's costume

"How did you guys decide on your costumes

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"How did you guys decide on your costumes." Jonathan asks.
"Easy, it was one if the things we brain stormed and I haven't been very good. Have I?" I reply.

"Nope you haven't." Jonathan agrees with me, a smirk spreading on his face. The bell rings and we go to class.

"So, Wednesday how about we go to the mall and watch a movie or something." Melanie suggest.
"That sounds like a great idea. Like instead of a double date it could be a triple date, kinda." Francisco says and the other three of us are confused.

"Because Nalie is not here. Jonathan and Camila and be a 'couple' and Marco you can bring your girl." Fran explains.
"Sure, sounds good." Marco agrees.

"Well see you guys in a few at the party." Melanie says getting into my car.
"Are we meeting up there?" Jonathan asks.

"Yup." I respond. I get in and drive home. I make some food for us to eat and make dinner for my brothers and dad to eat when they get home from work.

We go up to my room and I close the curtains. Melanie goes to the bathroom with the bag that was stored in my room to change and I take out mine. In starting to not like this but Melanie isn't going to let me get out of this.

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