Remember. Friends.

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Like I told Mrs. Smith I'm not planning to show up to her class.

"So who was that guys that you were with yesterday?" Marco asks

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"So who was that guys that you were with yesterday?" Marco asks.
"Someone." I reply.
  "Well yeah, but like more specific. A family member, a friend?" Marco keeps asking.

"Does it matter?" I ask.
  "Yeah." Melanie answers from my other side.
"Well, he might be my boyfriend." I answer quietly.
"Might be or is your boyfriend?" Melanie asks.

"Is my boyfriend." I rephrase.
   "So you have a boyfriend, Camila." I turn behind me and it's Nalie.
  "Yeah." I turn back around.
"You should let us meet him. You know your friends." Nalie says.

"Yeah, I'm going to let my friends meet him." I answer and look at Marco, Melanie and Francisco. "Do you guys want to meet him after school. He is going to pick me up. You guys might know him."

"Yes, we would love to know who our friend is going out with." Melanie replies.
"We kow him?" Francisco asks.
  "Yeah, just wait until you see him." I smile at him.

We sit at our table.
"So what is he like?" Melanie asks.
  "He is super nice with me. He is very loving, caring and understanding. He is an athlete. He plays soccer." I tell them.

"How old is he?" Jonathan talks after keeping quiet and listening to the conversation and everything.
"He is older then me." I answer.
   "By how much?" Jonathan asks.
"By three years. He is 21." I answer.

"When did he ask you to be his girlfriend?" Nalie asks.
"On new years. When the clock struck 12." I answer.
"That is cute. What did he do?" Melanie asks.

"He told me that he liked me and that he wanted to be my boyfriend. Not in those words because he said it way differently. Then he these rings as promise rings." I show Mel the hear ring and the one of infinity signs.

"He seems to know you very well seeing the rings he gave you. They are not very flashy but they are pretty and simple." Melanie tells me.
"Yeah, I like them." I look at the rings.

  "So are you going to go to class today?" Marco asks.
"No." I answer.
  "Then where are you going to go?" Jonathan asks.

"I don't know. I brought a ball so maybe to the field. If not to the library." I answer. The bell rings and u walk halfway to class before turning back and going to the field.

I get the ball from my bag and run some exercises that we did on the team. I dribble the ball back and forth, trying new tricks.

I check my phone when I go get water.
Chapara te espero en el mismo lugar que ayer.

I receive Raúl's message, and text him back.
  Esta bien. Te quiero.

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