Not Him

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Once Carlos kicked Daniel and then kicked the ball back at his back the whole team ran over and so did the other team.

Carlos and Johnathan were in the middle. Marco and 2 other guys are checking on Daniel while the couch runs over. On the other side the goalie looks at me and I look at him. Then we look at our teams yelling at eachother and our captains getting ready to fight eachother.

We look back at eachother and run to join our teams. I push through the guys to get to Johnathan.
"Johnathan don't. We have to worry about Daniels foor." I tell him.  Johnathan doesn't turn to look at me. "Let's go, captain." I repeat.

He finally turns around and I feel releved.
"I'll be waiting after the game." Carlos says turning around. Daniels parents were here and took him to the ER already. One of the forwards gets the ball and throws it back in. Shortly the ref blows his whistle. Johnathan is the first off the field.

I run after him. He grabs his bag without changing and rages past me back on the empty field except for some of the players. I grab my bag and throw it on the bleachers.

"Hey, Carlos." Johnathan calls to Carlos from behind. Carlos turns around and gets hit on the face.
"Marco!" I yell back. Marco looks at me and then at Johnathan behind me.

Marco runs over and the guys he was with follow him. I turn around and Johnathan is getting hurt pretty bad. Maybe cause it's not only Carlos throwing punches and kicking him but also 4 other guys from his team.

All time low. Carlos needs 4 others to fight his fight. The two other guys and Marco pull off a guy each from Johnathan. I pull Carlos away from Johnathan.

"Why don't you just leave back to Pennsylvania or back to Colombia Carlos." I tell him.
"Cause you are here in California." Carlos replies.
"That's very sweet but Carlos I'm not in love with you anymore." I tell him.

"I know, and I want to win you back." Carlos says holding my hips in his.
  "It's not going to work Carlos. Everything you have done just makes it worse and opens my eyes to see a different side of me. Like when you kissed me at the parking lot of my school. And when I found out you wanted to fight Johnathan. You have just been making it worse."

"Camila, baby, I've always been scared of losing you. Now that I have lost you I just want you back." Carlos says, in his eyes I can see that what he is saying is true. "You love him, I wish you hadn't left. I wish it was still us." Carlos moves his hands up and hugs me tightly, burying his head in my neck.

"As much as I would like that, it can't be. You'll meet another girl better then me. Promise." I tell him.
"There aren't many girls like you. You like every sport, your good at them all." Carlos argues.

"That's a lie. I can't cheer, I'm not a very good dancer. And I'm sure there are other girls that like soccer more or just as much as you do. But you'll never know if you don't move on." I tell him.

"Promise me, you will try to forget that you like me. But, if you need anything I'm here and I'll help you if you need it." I asure him. "I like you Carlos. Just not in the same way as before. I'm sorry." I hug him this time tightly around his torso.

"I'm going to miss you Camila." Carlos says his lips pressed on my head.
"Carlos, this isn't good bye." I remind him.
  "I'm still going to miss you." Carlos kisses my forehead. "I love you."

He let's go of me. He turns away not before looking at me one more time. Around me Marco and Johnathan are the only ones still here.
"Let's go." I tell them and we go to the car. I sit in the car in silence just looking out the window the whole car ride.

Johnathan's P.o.v

I look through the mirror to see Camila looking out the window looking all sad.

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