4 Yrs High School, 4 Yrs College

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Nervous is one of the feelings I have. Everyone is in their room getting ready to go back to scho to see me get my high school diploma. On the floor of my room I don't have suitcases like my friends.

I got accepted to San Francisco State and Cal Berkeley. I decided to go to Cal Berkeley. I didn't get a dorm room over their and made my four years a little harder. I'm going to drive to and from school everyday.

I pull over the dress the yellow gown. I walk downstairs not yet zipping it up. Raúl is going to meet us up at school and sit beside my father and brothers.

I leave before then because we have to be there all and get set up

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I leave before then because we have to be there all and get set up. Jonathan gives me a ride to school.
"So when do you leave?" I ask Jonathan.
"Monday with Raúl and everyone else." He answers.

"Oh. Is Nalie going with you?" I ask out of curiosity.
"No. I don't know what she is going to do. She never talked about it. I was the only one that spoke about what I was going to do after." Jonathan answers.

"Oh." We get to school and run to where everyone else is. We are a little late. We get into our row, just a few people away. E, F, G, H. His last name is Guerrero and mine is Hernandez.

From different places of our seating we all look at eachother. I look back to Francisco then down front to see the twins and to my side a few people to see Jonathan.

Then the graduation ceremony starts. Melanie is one of the three people that go up to tell a speech. Then the principal gives out the certificate for different subjects.

It was starting to get boring. I get elbowed and look to see who it was.
"They called your name." The person beside me says. My name gets repeated and I stand up. Jonathan is standing, Francisco, Marco and the rest of the team is standing.

There is clapping and hooting. My brothers. I sit back down not sure why it was that we stood. I'll ask later. Then we get called up to get out diploma and envelope holding other papers.

I go up to get mine. I shake hands with the principle and face the crowd of people. I see my father with my brothers and Raúl. I smile at them and go back to take my seat. When they have finished calling us all up we go see our families.

Melanie gets us all together to take a group picture. A group picture that will be my favorite.
"Come over." My dad tells everyone of my friends. "To celebrate all together."

Jonathan's parents say they are in and that make everyone else come over too. I drive back home with Raúl.
"Para ti." Raúl says taking out flowers, balloons, and my favorite. Chocolate.

"Raúl, thank you." I hug him, and give him a kiss. We go inside and put the flowers in a vase. My chocolates away where no one will find them and my balloons I'm my room. I switch my heels for sneakers and take off the yellow gown.

I go downstairs to get everything ready for everyone with Raúl helping me. We get snacks, and drinks out for them to grab. The door bell rings and I go open it. Everyone.

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