Paddle Boarding

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I change into clothes appropriate for this water activity that we are going to do.

I go downstairs heading to the garage when I see Kevin and my dad sitting infront of Alejandro who is standing

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I go downstairs heading to the garage when I see Kevin and my dad sitting infront of Alejandro who is standing.
"Camila, come. I need to tell you all something." I sit beside Kevin and look up at Alejandro.

"I have been recruited." Alejandro says.
"Recruited? Recruited to what?" I ask.
"I have been recruited to fight in the next war in Afghanistan." Alejandro explains.

My father and Kevin are frozen. I'm the opposite.
"What the hell Alejandro! Did you tell Madison? You can't leave us." I stand up and lush him back.

"Camila, I did tell Madison. I had applied a long time ago and only now did they need me." Alejandro tells me so calmly.
"No Alejandro! You can't leave Madison. You can leave us. You should have told us about this. You have to see Kevin graduate." I break into tears.

Alejandro hugs me tightly as I cry.
"So many people are leaving." I cry.
"Camila, I'm going to be fine. I'll be here for Kevin's graduation. Promise." Alejandro says.

"Pinky promise." I hold out my hand for him to pinky promise.
"Pinky promise." He says and we close the promise.
"When do you leave."

I was going to yell at him but my dad stops me. I leave them and go to the garage to get the boards and see if I can calm down some more.

I find the paddle boards and put the boards in the car. To make them fit I lower the back seats down. I out the paddle boards all trying to make the 4 boards fit with the paddles.

Raúl pulls up on the street. He comes over to help me put the stuff in the car. Shortly Jonathan is also putting the boards and stuff on the back of his truck.

Melanie and Francisco get here and park behind Raúl. We are going to take only my car and Jonathans. Anything they brought gets put into either car.

Francisco and Melanie go with Jonathan in his truck. Raúl comes with me being the only one that fits in my car as a passenger.

I drive behind Jonathan following him.
"Are you going to spend the night over?" Raúl asks me.
"Tal vez." I reply. "It is most possible."

"Can you please? It will be longer for us to see eachother. You are going to be in college." Raúl says.
"Yeah." We get here and pay 5 dollars to the ranger.

We park and un pack the boards and leave everything else. Everyone their board and paddle. I grab mine and a small cooler with drinks and fruit.

We get in the water.
"This is going to be so much fun." Melanie squels splashing water at all of us. I get on the board and manage to stand up. We all begin to move deeper trying to get to the small Island in the middle.

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