Don't Care

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Camila's P.o.v

Jonathan  was really good with me the whole day yesterday. Not only has he become a friend but also my neighbor. His friends are also nice and funny.

"Take Kevin to school Alejandro." I tell my older brother as I walk to the living room.
"What about you?" He asks.
"What about me?" I repeat.
"How will you get to school?" He rephrase his question.

"Like yesterday. Walking." I answer. "I'll see you later." I walk outside.
"Hey, it's my new neighbor!" I turn to the right and Jonathan  is walking out from his house.

Today he is wearing shorts and a t-shirt just like yesterday. I'm also wearing shorts and a top.

"Do you want a ride?" He asks as we are now on the side walk

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"Do you want a ride?" He asks as we are now on the side walk.
"I'm going to start waiting for you before and after school. It will save you from asking and me from walking." I tell him.

"So it's Friday, I need my jersey on Monday for practice which I want to ask. Do you want it sweaty meaning unwashed or washed?" He asks.
"Are you serious? I want it washed thank you. I don't want to be smelling like sweat during class." I answer.

"Knew it. Will you be playing any sports?" Jonathan  asks.
"Yeah, volleyball and track and field. I would play soccer but your school has no soccer team for girls." I answer.

"We don't? I thought we did." He says.
"You don't." I repeat. We get to school and I walk with him to his friends.
"Your coming to see my practice later today right. You promised. I'll take care of you. I'll bring you home and if anything happens blame it on me." Jonathan  says.

"I did promise and yeah I'll be there. We have last period together. And Jona you said it. Your taking care of me after school." I tell him.
"Done." He pulls up at the school and we walk inside. I go to my locker and Jonathan  is right behind me.

I start going to my class and he follows behind me. I spin around catching him unexpectedly. I hit his chest with my face. I take a step back and groan at the pain going through my nose.

"Princess are you okay." Johnathan says holding my face. I stay frozen with what he called me.
"Yeah." I reply and he hugs me. I feel a little akwardly but it feels nice to be in his arms. I feel safe and just melt beside him.

"Why did you turn around like that?" He asks.
"Cause you have been following me around everywhere I go and I was going to ask you if you got lost or something." I answer.

"I'm not lost. I've been following you around because I want to make sure your okay." Jonathan  answers still hugging me. He smells good. Grass, Cologne, and mint. My new favorite.

"Oh." The bell rings and he finally let's go. I actually prefer just standing here and having him hold me, but he can't. He can't and I can't either. I can't like him because of Carlos. "I'll see you in class." I tell him and he turn back around.

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