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  "Are you guys going to dress up?" Melanie asks us all at lunch talking about Halloween.

"I don't know. You guys?" I ask them.
  "Maybe." They reply.
"You guys going to the Halloween party?" Marco asks.
"I'm not going to miss that." I answer.

"Not going to miss what?" Jonathan asks sitting beside me and Nalie sits on his otherside.
"The Halloween party at Rodriguez's house." Francisco says.

"Yeah, I'm going." Jonathan says.
  "I'm not. I won't be here that day." Nalie says. I don't want here any day. I think to myself. No body says anything about her not going to be here and change the topic to what they will dress up as.

I have no idea. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I look at it.

We should wear something that goes somewhat together. I'll send you some ideas.

I look up at her and nod at her idea. I'll send her some costume ideas as well. We'll talk about it better later. But I have some ideas already that would be pretty cool. I also think we should have two different costumes. One for school and later change into a different one for the party.

The bell rings and I go to class with the guys. I sit in my seat and my phone vibrates. Pictures of costume ideas from Melanie. Some are very clever, nice. I tell her which 2 I like and tell her my idea.

The last bell rings and I call Melanie.
"So we have decided?" I ask her when she answers.
"Yes. It's next Monday. Should we go but what we need?" Melanie asks me.

"Totally, I'll wait for you at my car. Bye." I pass by my locker.
"Your going to the Halloween party right." Jonathan says leaning on the locker next to mine.

"Yes, that is why I have to go. Bye, see you later." I wave at him and leave. I get to my car and both Kevin and Melanie are waiting for me. Oops. I forgot about Kevin I unlock the car and we get inside.  I drop Kevin off at home and we take off to buy the things we need to make the costumes.

This is going to be super fun.

Next day

"When are you going back to the team?" I ask Francisco as we sit around the table discussing our game later today.
"Maybe sometime in like three weeks. Thanks for taking my position again Camila." Francisco tells me.

"No problem. I'm here for any of you guys when you can't play." I tell the three guys.
"Next month we have thanksgiving break." Melanie says.
"And then Winter break which is two weeks. Christmas and New Years." Marco adds.

"Holiday after holiday." I agree.
  "Do any of you have plans for thanksgiving break?" Jonathan asks.
"Yeah." I say.
  "Yeah, what are you doing?" Melanie asks.

"I'm going to Colombia to see my family and spend time with them." I answer.
"That's real neat. Your going to go to Colombia." Francisco says.

"I guess." I bite my lip and look at Jonathan. He is looking at his try and not at any of us. Oh, I forgot to tell you guys. Nalie is already gone. Won't be seeing her in a while.

"How long?" Marco asks.
  "From the Saturday after the Friday we are out until Friday. About a week." The bell rings and we stand up to go to our class.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to Colombia for break?" Jonathan asks.
  "I'm sorry, I was just told in the morning by my dad. What did you expect?" I ask him sitting on my chair doing my homework and he sits on my bed.

"What are you going to be for Halloween on Monday?" He asks me.
"Something that is what I have been the past week or two." I answer.
"A happy emoji?" He guesses.
  "Haha, good guess but no." I reply.

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