A Month and Half

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We have a month and a half left of school. But before graduation we have second semester finals and Prom.

Today is the first day of finals.
  Good Morning Camila. I love you and miss you. Good luck on your exams.

I smile as I put stuff away in my locker.
Your always on my mind, Raúl. Have fun at practice with the guys. Love you.

I text back.

  "How is Raúl?" Melanie asks me as we hangout waiting for the bell to ring.
"He is good. Going to practice and texting me when ever possible." I reply.

"I love your outfit, Cam." Nalie says. I look down at my outfit and see nothing nice or fancy about it. It's what I usally wear. Jeans, a top, and sneakers.

 Jeans, a top, and sneakers

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"Thanks." I reply. I'm as ready as can be to go to class. I can't belive that soon I'll be at college. The first in my family. Alejandro didn't go and neither did my dad.

The bell rings finally. I'm ready to take the tests and get them over with. We get out early so that's good. But I'll have to go home and then work.

I turn in my exam and sit until the bell rings. Something hits me on my neck and I ignore it. I get hit again but smack in the middle of my eyes. The piece of paper falls on my desk and open it.

You look beautiful today.

I turn to the side and see Jonathan. Couldn't be anyone else. He is in this class with me. He looks up at me and I show him the piece of paper.

He is still taking his test. I point at him and the paper. He shakes his head no. I look away confused to who wrote the note. The last bell rings. I stand up and throw away the paper as I pass the trash can.

I head to my car and throw my bag in the seat beside mine. I sit in my car waiting for the traffic to decrease and waiting for Kevin to come.

"Hey Camila." Kevin says getting in the car.
"Yeah." I reply.
"Some seniors have asked me if you would go to prom with them." Kevin says

"Don't think so. I'd probably go alone or not go at all." I reply.
  "Oh." Kevin says. I drive now that the parking lot is less empty.

I drop my bag inside and eat lunch. I head back out the door to go to the café. I open the door and almost bump into a girl.
"Um, hi." I say.

"Hey, in looking for Alejandro." She says.
"He isn't here right now." I check the time. "But he should be here soon." I answer.

" I answer

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