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Camila's P.o.v

Jonathan and I lay around the room borde waiting for the time to come for us to leave. I'm laying side ways on my bed and Jonathan is on the floor near the door. I can't wait for someone to open that door and hit him. I'll die.

The ticking of the clock fills the room and It's driving me crazy. My phone buzzes and I jump to my feet and go to my phone tripping with Jonathan's leg on the process.
"Haha dumbass." Jonathan chuckles.

Estoy afuera de tu casa, princessa.👑❤

I smile at my phone and reply.

Ya vamos mi príncipe. 👑💕

I put my phone away and grab my suitcase.
"Let's go Jona. Javier is waiting outside." He gets on his feet and grabs his suitcase. We walk quickly outside.

"Where are you going Camila!" I hear my mom yell behind us as we exit the house. Javier is out of the car to help us put or luggage in the car. Javi looks at me with a weird face then at my mother rushing behind us.

"I'll tell you in the car." I answer. He goes to the driver seat. Jonathan beats me to the passenger seat.
"Don't you dare get in the car Camila!" She yells. I get in and bring the window down.

"Adiós, hasta luego, hasta la vista." I yell waving at her. "Call me Sofie!" I yell seeing her walk out to see what is going on. She waves from where she stands.

"What was that?" Javier finally asks.
  "My birth mother." I answer.
"She didn't look happy about you leaving." Javier says.
"You think?" Jonathan asks.

"What did you guys do?" Javier ask.
  "Leave." Both Jonathan and I answer.
"She didnt want you guys to leave?" Chicha asks.
"Sure, you can say that Chicharito." Jonathan tells him.

We get to the airport and hang out with his team for a little before we have to go onto different planes. I'm so ready to go home. Thanksgiving is going to be fun. The first without my brothers but I can replace those idiots.

On the plane ride I go on my laptop and look through Javier career to learn more about him. I come across a video. I watch it and send it to him.

I want to see you go against me.

Okay, mi Niña. When I'm in California. He answers quickly back.

Im looking forward to it. And good luck in your next game. I'll  you before your game.
I tell him.

Ill be waiting. Take care. He replies.

You too.

I close my laptop and close my eyes to go to sleep. We will arrive in the morning.

I wake up because I get hit in the head. I sit up and im not looking out to the sea but to the road. I calm down when I see Jonathan and Marco. We are home.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Jonathan turns to look at me.
"Morning. Just out of curiosity how did you get me off the plane?" I ask him.
"I threw you in the suitcase." Jonathan replies and my face freaks of that.

"I'm joking. I carried you off the plane. Then I got a cart thing. I put the suitcases on the cart and then you ontop." Jonathan answers simply.
"And I didn't fall off?" I ask him.

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