My Career

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I'm nervous for my first day of work. Many things have changed in the past 4 -5 years.

Kevin is in college see what he can do with his music. Alejandro asked Madison to marry him on the 4th of July a while ago when he came back home.

I'm still in touch with the guys and Melanie. They are always sending me pictures, texting me, and calling me. Like Marco and Jonathan with their new friend from the club and the selection.

Marco and Laura got together and ended getting married after Laura told Marco that she was pregnant

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Marco and Laura got together and ended getting married after Laura told Marco that she was pregnant. The last time I saw Raúl was in February which was like 6 months ago.

Jonathan I saw when Marco came back home with their new friend. 2 months ago. Meaning that Laura us about 2 months pregnant. Brian Jonathan and Laura's little brother has grown. I still babysit that little kid though. I won't be able to as often as I used to know.

I look at myself through the mirror one last time before grabbing my keys to the car.

I walk into the office and I feel like I'm going back a few years ago when I was coming to my new school

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I walk into the office and I feel like I'm going back a few years ago when I was coming to my new school. I get instructed to my class and there at once to be there for my first period.

I do some last minute arrangements with the desks so they aren't in rows but arched.  The first bell rings and slowly students begin to enter my class. Students between the grade levels of freshmans and Seniors.

When it seems like everyone is here I begin by introducing myself.
"Good Morning, I'm Ms. Hernandez and I will be your spanish teacher. This might be a little cliché, or all your teachers say this but, I'm going to make this super fun for you all. This is my first year. I sat in these same seats just a few years ago with my friends when I came to this same exact school with my younger brother." I begin.

"Oh! That's right! You were on the Varsity soccer team. The couch said you were the best goalie and sub do other positions. That that year was the best. You guys tied and won all games but 1. Made it to playoffs and won." A boy interupts.

"There is a picture of me with the team?" I ask surprised.
"Yup, I've heard rumors that you'll be taking the coaches position for soccer. Boys and Girls team." Another says.

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