Christmas and Birthday

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We all get together at my dad's place like always for Christmas Eve. I brought over presents that we got for everyone. I even had sent a gift for Sofia back at Colombia.

I've been talking with Jonathan and we have been preparing a birthday party for Miguel Angel. We started that it would be small but turned out it is going be big when Jonathan began naming people he would invite.

We had dinner and played a few bored games.
"So you and Raúl are good." Jonathan tells me.
"Yeah. I was thinking that you should invite Nalie. If you don't want to I will but I think she should be invited and it's her choice if she wants to come to her sons birthday party." I tell Jonathan.

"I think you should. I doubt she would go but you can give it a try." Jonathan answers.
"Okay then. When you leave back to México what are you going to do with Miguel?" I ask picking him up from the floor.

"Do you want him to stay with you?" Jonathan asks me.
"I would but I'd have to have someone watch him while I'm at work. Probably one of my brothers because your sister will have her own baby to take care of." I tell him.

"True. You have like replaced Nalie for him." Jonathan says taking Miguel away from me.
"I guess I have. It's because I love him like my own since the second I first saw him." I tell Jonathan.

"Do you and Raúl plan to marry and have kids?" Jonathan asks not looking at me when he does.
"He wants kids, marriage is something we have never really spoken about. But kids we have." I answer.

"I'm 100% sure you two get down and dirty when your guys are alone and at home." Jonathan smirks.
"Jonathan." I punch him on the shoulder to shut him up.

"Oh my god it's true! You guys actually-" Jonathan says. I cover my ears and go sit beside Raúl. I look over at Jonathan and he is smirking. I roll my eyes and look away from him.

We all give eachother present and open one from the ones we got. Next year we should do Secret Santa. I open the present that Raúl gave me. It is an envelope with two airplane tickets. One to México and another to Portugal.

"Are we going?" I ask Raúl.
"Si mi niña. We are going to go to México and Portugal." Raúl answers.
"But, the school and my kids." I tell Raúl.

"Camila did you check the dates for the flights. They're for when your not working. Summer Vacation." He explains and I look at the dates. He is right.

I hug him, and thank him with a kiss. My father opens the one me and my brothers got him. We decided that he needs a rest from work. Between the three of us we got our father a paid trip to Colombia to see his family that he hsnt seen. With it a spare ticket for him to take a friend or someone else.

"Melanie, Francisco." Jonathan says opening their present. He shows us the invitation. We all open the one they gave us and it's all the same thing. An invitation to their wedding.

We hug them both. Those two are going to be the first to get married. I'm pretty sure Marco and Laura are next. After them it's not clear who will be next.

Siomara leaves with her husband after Brian is deep asleep on the couch. Jonathan too leaves when Miguel Angel falls asleep in Melanie's arms. After they leave everyone else begins to leave.

"Did you have a nice time?" Raúl asks me.
"Yes, and thank you again." I answer.

When we get home we go to sleep. At heart I'm still a kid and can't wait to open the other presents tomorrow morning.

I wake up and wake up Raúl beside me to open the presents. I'm curious to know what I got from everyone one else.

We open them and then go eat breakfast. I don't open Jonathan's. I put it away in the room to open some other time. We change and get in the car to go to el salon de fiestas that Jonathan rented for the afternoon and night.

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