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I groan as my alarm clock goes off. I sit up and slowly change making sure my curtains are closed.

I grab my backpack and go downstairs

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I grab my backpack and go downstairs. Kevin is eating at the counter and Alejandro is probably in his room still asleep.

"I'm going to steel the car from Alejandro today." I tell Kevin grabbing the keys to the car. "You want to go now?" I ask him.
"I can't say no cause I have to go to school anyway don't I." Kevin says pitting his plate away.

"Yup." He grabs his backpack and we go outside. I look over next door and see that Jonathan's truck is gone. I feel kinda sad but I'm running out of time to get to school.

We get to school in one piece. Kevin ditches me right away going with his friends I guess. I lock the car and go to my locker. Jonathan  is leaning against my locker with Marco, Francisco and Melanie.

"You guys are here early." I say as I move to get my stuff from my locker.
"I had them come early." Jonathan  says, I feel his break hitting my neck sending chills through my body.

"Yeah? Why?" I ask.
"We have a goalie." Marco says.
"Yeah?" I says.
"Yeah, and guess who?" Francisco says, holding Melanie with his good arm.

"Alejandro?" I respond not sure. I close my locker and Jonathan  has a wide grin that makes me smile for no reason. Just because his smile is contagious.
"Nope." Melanie replies.
My smile disappears, "Then who?"

"You!" Jonathan  says. I didn't expect that. I take a step back to lean on my locker for support. Me. I'm their goalie now. What?
"How? How is that possible?!" I ask them.

"I got here early talkies with the couch and got him to agree on having you on our team. I'm a girl though playing with a bunch of guys. Do you see my point. I have boobs and a vagina. The guys on your team have a penis and no boobs." I tell him. "Reason why your a team of only guys."

"I know. If any of the guys mess with you we will kick their butts." Marco says.
"You guys need me in your team don't you." I sigh.
"Yes!" They respond all together.

"Ugh, I'll do it. I'll be on the team. When is the first practice?" I ask them.
"Today, an hour after school. The couch is working on your jersey. You wear mine tomorrow during school." Jonathan  says.

"Okay." The bell rings and we go to class. I'm the new goalie until Francisco gets better. I didn't see that one coming.

"You said practice is an hour after school right?" I ask Jonathan as we walk out of our last class.
"Then I'll be back in a few minutes. I'm going to take Kevin home and I'll be back." I tell him.

"Okay, I'm going to wait here. I'll be at my truck the whole time with the guys." Jonathan tells me. I go to the car and Kevin is already there. I unlock the car and he gets in. I start the car and drive him home.

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