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I wake up and pull on my clothes to go to the park with the guys today and Melanie.

I grab my ball and jog down to outside and then next door

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I grab my ball and jog down to outside and then next door. The door opens and it's Johnathan's mom.
"Hi, how have you been?" I ask her giving her a hug.

"Muy bien estoy. 4 more months and I should be caring this child in my arms." She answers.
"So around when school is over. Cool. Johnathan and I are supposed to meet the guys and Melanie at the park to practice. Is he ready?" I ask her.

"Yes, he went to get something. He will be back down." His mom answers.
"I'll wait out here." I tell her. She turns back inside and I lean against his truck waiting.

"There is my Cami." Johnathan yells. I look up and shake my head at him.
"Are you going to call me that for the rest of my life?" I ask him.
"Yup. I like it." He answer going over to his side of the car. I open the door and sit.

We get to the park and everyone else is already there. We walk over and I give them all a hug. Marco takes his ball and with Francisco they start by doing penalties. Then Johnathan and I go 1 vs. 1. I run with the ball to the imaginary goal net to score on him.

He is coming from behind on my left side to take the ball away. I kick it father the next time it hits my foot and instead of kicking it with my right I go with my left changing the side. I get closer and just go for it kicking it from where I stand.

"I thought your couldn't play." Johnathan says.
"No, I said I don't think I'm as good as Daniel. Not that I couldn't play." I correct him.

"You think your ready Francisco to come back?" I ask him as we sit around a table to have lunch.
"Yeah, I'm ready. It's been along time since I've been on the field." Francisco says.

"Your not leaving the team are you." Marco tells me.
"Seems like I'm not. You all are forever stuck with me." I tell them. We eat and play some more before we are heading to go have dinner.

We walk into a fast food restaurant. We order a medium pizza, burgers, drinks, and appetizers.
"Your leaving tomorrow hu." Melanie tells me.
"Yup, I'll miss you all for a week." I tell them. "Not." Two waiters come with all of our food.

We dig right in and grab, what we ordered and garb a slice or two of pizza. I've never had friends likes these cause my dad is usally traveling and taking us with him. I try not to get very attached to a group of people but I have already bended those and many rules here.

I fell for Johnathan. Now I don't know what we are or what happens between us. I guess we are just using eachother.

I made friends. I care deeply of each one of them. Melanie, Marco and Francisco. I have meet Johnathan's family I got into the soccer team without meaning too. I have Nalie against me. I was never supposed to have any of this happen. But it did because Johnathan is my neighbor.

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