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"That's it isn't it." Jonathan says pointing out at the place we are here to go to. "Elektra Club." He says. James parks on the side and we all get out of the car.

"Mom is going to kill us if she finds out. All of us." Sofie tells me worried.
"Sofie, I promise that she won't find out. And if she does I'll be by your side." I tell her hugging her to asure her of what I'm telling her.

We all walk in the night club. The club is illuminated with neon lights flashing everywhere. And also with fans. We sit at a both while both James and Javier become less occupied.

We get drinks and so they join us again.
"Let's go dance." Javier tells us all. We chug down the last of our drink and stand up to dance. Jonathan and I haven't talked much today. I wounder if it bothers him.

In other words, is he jealous? I'm pretty sure that we weren't supposed to meet either Javier or James. It wasn't in his plans. Is he jealous of the attention that I get from one of his favorite soccer players. His idol?

The boys will dance solo for a little while Sofie and I dance together having the time of our lives. Maybe it wasn't so bad that I came to Colombia after all. I would have never met these three people.

Jonathan grabs my hand and pulls me away from everyone.
"Camila." He says and kisses me.
"What was that for?" I ask when our lips part.

"Can I not kiss you?" He asks.
"Kinda." I answer. But he wasn't able to hear that. "Let's go back." I tell him.
"No wait. I want to tell you something?" Jonathan stops me.
"Alright then. Let me hear it." I tell him.

"When you and Sofie were gone they guys and I were talking. Ends up that you remind James of a friend he had growing up that left when they were little. As for Javier, he likes you likes you." Jonathan tells me.
"He does?" I say and for some reason warmth reaches my cheeks.

"Camila, dont get to attached to either one of them. They are probably just playing with you. Plus, they are soccer players. They travel alot first their games. You won't see them often so dont get attached." Jonathan says.

"Meaning, that I shouldn't get attached to you either." I respond.
"No, that's not what I mean." Jonathan replies quickly.
"I dont see the difference. Your going to go off to do the same thing."

"While your in Mexico I'll be in California. While your traveling with the team I'll be in California. You'll be going one way and ill be going another." I tell him.

"Camila, but I'll make time to take with you. To see you." Jonathan says.
"If you are still with Nalie then I'm free to be with who ever I want." I tell him.

"Fine." Jonathan says mad. We go back not talking to eachother anymore. I don't like when we get mad at eachother. Sofie begins to get a little tipsy and seems to be falling asleep.

"I think we should go to the hotel." I tell the guys and face Sofie so they know what I mean.
"Yeah." Javier says.
"I'll get the car so it's easier to take here." James says.

"I'll go with you." Jonathan says. I get Sofie and we sit down at a table while they come.
"What do you want in life. You got to be a famous soccer player. Would there be something else?" I ask him.

"Yes. I want to find the right girl. Love her, give her everything she deserves and have a family with her." Javier answers never leaving his sight from my eyes.
"What about you?" He asks me.

"Same. Find the right guys, have a family. Get a good job but still be able to be an athlete." I tell him.
"How old are you?" He asks me.
"18. You?" I reply.

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