Happy Birthday To Me

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I wake up like every day. I change and go downstairs to wait for Marco to come and take me to school.

I sit outside, Jonathan  walks out from the other house

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I sit outside, Jonathan  walks out from the other house.
"Hi Camila." He says walking to his car. "Do you need a ride?" I was going to say no but my phone beeps and I look at it.

Morning Camila. I can't pick you up right now. I'll see you at school though. I have a family thing happening.

"If you don't mind." I answer after reading the message.
"Nope. Come on before we are late." Jonathan tells me moving his arm to come and he opens the door for me.
"Thanks." I pull it close and he gets in the truck.

"How have you been?" I ask him.
"Good I guess. Ready for today's game?" Jonathan asks me in return.
"Would you believe me if I said I forgot?" I ask.
"No." He answers.

"Well sucks for you cause I forgot we had a game." I reply. We get to school and he parks. I jump out and grab my backpack. "Thanks for the ride, Jonathan." I tell him as we walk to school.

"No problem that is what friends are for, right." Jonathan says. We walk down the halls and as we walk by we are being stared at.
"What's up with them?" I ask. He looks at the people around us.

He snatches something from someone's hand. I watch his expression and take the paper away when I see its not good.
"What the frick."

Soccer Goalie is a Slut. Slept with almost all of the soccer team.
Camila Hernandez #13 position Goalkeeper

Above those words their is a picture of me when Carlos dropped by. You can't tell who it us because you can only see his face. My face is visible though.

I crumple the paper up. "That bïtch of your girlfriend." I throw the paper at him.
"Wait Camila. It wasn't her!" Jonathan yells behind me.

"It wasn't her, Jonathan! If it wasn't her then who was it?! She was the only one there that saw other then you, Marco and Francisco. I know that it's wasn't any of you three. But maybe you boys aren't the person I thought." I yell at him raged.

"My love." I glare at Nalie as she comes and clings to Jonathan getting all over him.
"And you call me a Slut." I raise my hand and punch her square in the face. Jonathan catches her as she stumbles and holds her face.

"I don't want to see any of you two ever." I growl at them. I walk away pushing throw the crowd. I feel the tears threatening to fall. I bump into someone.
"Camila?" I look up and see Kevin, my little brother, now 17 year old brother.

Someone mumbles about me as they pass by. Kevin catches it.
"Bye Kevin." I say walking past him. I walk into the girls restroom. I look at my self in the mirror and lose it. I cry.

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