Portugal + Surprise

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The plane flight was long. And we stopped at another airport to take a different airplane.

Occasionally I was going to the bathroom to throw up. Now I'm glad my feet are back on the ground.
"What are we going to do today?" I ask Raúl.
"Let's go to the beach?" Raúl suggests and I nod.

We go to his home here in Portugal and change in to our swim suits.

Raúl drives us to the beach

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Raúl drives us to the beach. The ocean water is a different blue color. We walk down the shore. He holds my hand or my waist. People come up to talk to him. I just listen, clueless while they speak Portuguese.

"How long did it take you to learn Portuguese?" I ask Raúl.
  "About a year to know most basic words, both to speak and understand." He answers.

"Where old you start your family. Here in Portugal, Mexico, or the United States?" I ask him.
"Here or México because I don't really play in the US." Raúl answers, I nod understanding his answer.

"If you ever stopped loving me, would you tell me?" I ask him.
"If don't know. I've never thought of that." Raúl replies.

"You want a baby in a point in your life. What if you had that baby but don't end up marrying the women that gave birth to your child. Would you take the child away from the mother or both have custody over the child?" I ask Raúl.

He stops and turns to look at me.
  "Mi niña, why so many questions?" Raúl asks me.
"There just things that popped into my head." I reply.
"Don't worry about those things." He holds my face in his two hands.

"Relax, baby." Raúl says and kisses me. I kiss him back. I hope this is his reaction tomorrow. For dinner we go to Raúl's favorite restaurant here and then go to his place.

"Are you going to keep teaching?" Raúl asks.
"Yes, I like it." I reply. I take a shower to get rid of the sea water and sand.

We lay down to go to sleep. Atleast we will be here just tomorrow and then we got o México. This change of time is playing with me.
"Go to sleep." Raúl tells me.

"I can't. I'm not tired." I reply.
  "So your not tired." Raúl says, a side of his lip lifts to form a crooked smile. I kiss his lips making his thoughts come true.

Next day

I wake up the same way I have been waking up the past days. I get up and travel around the apt looking for the bathroom. I open the right door and kneel infront of the bathroom.

I wrap a towel around my self and go back the room to change.
"Hey, are you okay?" Raúl asks hugging me.
  "Yeah, I'm okay." I answer.

I change and pack everything up to just grab and go later.

I change and pack everything up to just grab and go later

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