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POV: Minji
At school the next day, I was ecstatic to tell Hoseok, my best friend, about what had happened after school yesterday at the train station.

"What's up, Minnie?" he asked, ruffling my hair as he sat down in his seat in front of mine. School didn't start for another ten minutes, so we had a fairly good amount of time to talk. "You seem really happy."

"I do?" I asked teasingly. "Are you saying that I don't usually look happy, Hoseok? Hmm?"

"Well, happier than usual," he corrected himself. "Maybe my positivity is finally getting to you, Minnie." he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Of course," I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, you wouldn't even guess what happened when I was waiting for my train!"

"Ooh, what?" he laughed, fishing out his pineapple juice drink from his school bag, chewing on his green straw like a camel. He was more of a horse-face rather than a camel, though, so it looked kind of weird.

"You know Min Yoongi, yeah?" he nodded. "Basically, he told me that he likes me! He asked me on a date, and everything! He told me that I was prettier than all of the stars in the sky at night!" I exclaimed, sighing dreamily as I thought back to yesterday.

"Oh, really? Yoongi?" he raised one eyebrow in suspicion, but looked happy for me nonetheless. "Good on you, Minnie, I'm happy for you," he gave me a pat on the back. "But since when did he like you? It seems a bit sudden, doesn't it? He only just broke up with Solji so it seems a bit off... well, anyway, I'm still happy that you're happy!"

He knew how long I was crushing on Yoongi, so seeing Hoseok approve of our new relationship made me feel ten times happier than I was already.

I felt a vibration in my blazer pocket, as I took out my phone and snuck in underneath the table to read my new text.

Yoongi: my locker
Yoongi: now

"Uhm, Hoseok?" I spoke up.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"I need to be somewhere right now. I'll see you in a few minutes!"

"Oh... okay, then," his face dropped, his voice suddenly becoming like a mouse's voice. "See you, then. I guess."

I wonder what Yoongi wants.

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