Thirty Seven

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POV: Yoongi
"What makes you say that I'm gonna do anything to Hoseok? Why the fuck are you so worried? As if I'd do anything! Ha, I think he should be scared of you doing anything bad to him.

I'll have you know that Hoseok and I have been absolute best friends for as long as I can remember... we've been a pair, a two, forever, and you've only just recently come into the picture in both of our lives! Literally, you're acting as though you've been with him forever, but that's bullshit.

Don't think that he's all yours just because he's kissed you a couple of times and shoved his dick into you once or whatever. I'm carrying your fucking baby, and I'm exes with both of you, so let's just fucking forget about thi-"

"Wait. Both of us?" I paused, processing in the information. "So, you're telling me that you've been with Hoseok before? Like, in that way? A relationship?"

"Well fucking done, you know what a goddamn relationship is, do you want a cookie?" she rolled her eyes, the sarcasm practically dripping down her face. "Yes, idiot, I've been with him before. It didn't last long, because he broke it off when he told me that he was... that he was... g-gay. And that he'd rather stay my best friend anyway." she sighed.

She then paused and went back to her reading, basically leaving me on a cliffhanger. I don't know whether she just forget that she was talking to me, or she stopped talking to me on purpose.

"Why'd you stop talking?" I scoffed. "You've started telling your whole life story to me, you might as well just fucking finish it. You can't leave me hanging, can you?"

"Ugh, I guess so," she shrugged nonchalantly. "I don't exactly know what you're suddenly so interested in my past love life, but whatever."

"You started talking, so I guess I'd just listen. I don't care what kind of bullshit it is, but it's quite interesting."

"Whatever, whatever, I didn't ask for your opinion," she shooed me with her hand, clearly not caring about my reasons. "Okay, so where was I?"

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