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POV: Hoseok
"I really wanna kiss you again, you know that?" Yoongi smirked, looking at me with a grin.

We were both sitting on the blue beanbag that was in my bedroom, talking and laughing. I rested my legs on his lap, looking at him from a side profile, but it was quite comfortable. It was kind of like having a living footstool.

Whenever either of us moved, the beanbag would sort of sink down, as though it were quicksand, and we would have to quickly adjust it, before it melted completely and we would have to stand up and try it again.

"You can kiss me if you want," I giggled, edging closer towards him with a smile. "I never said you weren't allowed to."

"Oh yeah?l he raised an eyebrow. "C'mere, then. I wanna give you a kiss," he puckered his lips. "Come closer towards me, Hobi." he ordered.

I scooted so close towards him that it wasn't just my legs that were sitting on his lap. I was practically sitting on his lap.

I spread my legs out on either side of his hip, my arms wrapped around his neck as he sat up, resting against the wall. I was facing him directly, looking him in the eye with a bright smile.

"A kiss, eh?" I chuckled, pulling him closer towards me by dragging his neck forwards. "I'll just say that next time, you don't need to ask."

I lightly brushed my lips against his, closing my eyes, before pulling away with a grin on my face.

"Hey, no teasing!" he whined, giving me puppy eyes. "That's not fair, Hobi. I want a proper kiss."

"A proper kiss, did you say?" I asked, slapping his cheek lightly with my hand. "Oh, I thought that you just wanted a little peck, no? You never specified what kind of kiss you wanted, though, did you? I was mistaken, oh, I'm sorry."

I played about with him, teasing him a bit more with little kisses here and there.

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