Twenty Nine + tag

909 61 27

POV: Minji
"I'm keeping the baby. I don't care what you have to say about it, because it won't change my mind. When this baby finally comes into this world, it's all yours, Yoongi."

I was trying to have a civil and calm conversation with Yoongi just as Hoseok asked for me to do, but I don't think it seemed to be working.

"Yoongi, don't get angry," Hoseok muttered quietly, grabbing his arm tightly to pull him back. "You're better than this. Don't."

"Well, what else am I gonna be?! Do you want me to be fucking delighted about this stupid situation?!" he snapped, growling like a wolf. "Are you actually fucking serious right now? Oh, yes, I'm over the fucking moon to hear that you're not gonna get an abortion like I've asked you to these past million times!"

"I don't want to kill the baby!"

"Well, I don't want to keep it either!" he yelled back. "There's no fucking reason why shouldn't just get an abortion, because this is for your own good! God, can you just stop being so stubborn and actually listen to my advice for once?!"

"No, Yoongi! You only speak utter bullshit anyway! Why should I have to listen to the crap that comes out of your mouth?" I could feel my cheeks burning up with anger.

I really couldn't stand talking to Yoongi anymore; they always just turned into violent arguments.

"Stop the yelling! Please!" Hoseok tried to pull us apart, as usual, but it never worked. "I really don't understand why the two of you can't have a normal conversation together!"

"Then tell her to get an abortion! I can't stand her!" Yoongi begged, whining like a child. "It's easier than if she were to keep the damn thing, and if she wants a kid in the future, she can always make a kid with her husband or some shit! I don't want to be responsible for this crap!"

"This is all your fault, though! You didn't use protection with me, and now I'm carrying your fucking child inside of me! You can't expect me to take the blame for this, do you? Fucking idiot!"

"Don't think that it's all my responsibility to use protection! You didn't want it, so I didn't use it! It's not my fault!"

I didn't care what he said.

I'm keeping this baby anyway.

Thank you to the fabulous lovemeraw44 for the tag!

I'm assuming it's just 10 things about me, and I've probably repeated some stuff as well, but oh well, here it goes:

1. My real name is Nina, but you can call me Princess Ninachu because that makes me feel special (jkjk) you can call me senpai or whatever I don't really mind lol

2. I'm 13, and my birthday is on April 23rd, which just happens to be the same day that Shakespeare died so yay me

3. I live in England, but I still have a slight American accent since I used to live in Japan and they taught me American English so the roots of my English are from there XD

4. I'm half Japanese, half Malaysian Indian and I can speak fluent Japanese but sadly barely any Malay :/

5. I was born in Japan and lived there until I was around 5 or 6 where I moved to England for good so I learnt english from scratch really

6. I play five instruments- the piano, violin, cello, ukulele and the bass guitar. I love music so much and I've always been a musical person since I was young. I also quite like singing even tho I'm pretty shit lol

7. I used to do ballet for around 3-4 years and I did modern and contemporary dance for nearly 5 years. I quit dance classes now but I still dance occasionally :)

8. I quite like drawing and doodling ^o^

9. At school I study French & German, as well as recently dropping Latin and previously done Spanish in primary school. I've tried studying Greek, Korean and Mandarin and although I didn't really get that far (I just didn't have the time to self-study) I quite liked learning about different languages so I would definitely pick up those languages again :D

10. Last of all (wow this is getting really long sorry) I love creative writing (as you can see from my stories ahaha) and I really hope that you guys enjoy reading just as much as I enjoy writing <3

I'm not gonna tag anyone in particular so you peeps can do this if you want to :)

peace out

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