2 Tags In 1

913 39 25

I've been tagged twice by two different people so I thought I might as well do them both in one chapter to save time XD

Thank you to -legitkpoptrash and seoul-jimin for the tags! <3

-legitkpoptrash 's tag
1. Favourite song?
Probably 'Eventually' by Tame Impala which is a soothing rock-ish song, or 'Wall Of Death' by The Prodigy since I'm a pretty big fan of electronica lol

2. Favourite sport?
I don't play many, but I guess either swimming or badminton.

3. Favourite band?
BTS or Fall Out Boy

4. Favourite Show?
None- I don't really watch many.

5. Favourite Movie?
The 'K-On!' movie because I'm total trash.

6. Favourite Food
Oreos ahaha

7. Favourite Drink?
Guava juice mm

8. Favourite Game?
Until Dawn~

9. First anime I watched?
I'm half Japanese and I lived in Japan for nearly half my life so I don't recall the first anime I watched since I've probably watched Doraemon or something on TV when I was like 2 idk XD

10. Tag 13 people
This is done at random:

You don't have to do the tag if you don't want to so it's your choice :)

seoul-jimin 's tag
1. Do I have a crush?
Yup, he's a really nice guy who plays the double bass and I think I might even love him (yikes) but I've known him for over 2 years now ahahah and it's really weird bc I actually like girls and he's just the odd one out on my list (I'm homoflexible I suppose) but he's so cute and sweet istg X3

2. Middle Name?
I don't like my middle name so I'm not gonna say, but my first name is Nina if you don't know :3 call me Ninachu if you want eheheh

3. Height?
Last time I checked, 154cm

4. Shoe size?
Two and a half (European size)

5. Eye colour?
Very nearly black

6. Last time you cried?
Last night since I pretty much cry myself to sleep almost everyday thinking about how shit my fucking life is ahaha

7. Biggest fear?
I've got this weird phobia of 'getting caught'. To me, it's as if everything I'm doing is wrong (even if it isn't actually wrong) and how I think that I might end up getting punished if I'm seen. It's weird, but I live with that constant paranoia everyday so it's annoying.

8. Last song you listened to?
Anderson Paak's cover of 'Maps'.

9. Last person you texted?
To an old friend (also my ex crush) saying happy birthday to her.

10. Favourite app?
YouTube...sorry, Wattpad XD

I'm not gonna tag 20 people because that's effort, so I'm just tagging the usuals


idk who else to tag so that's it.

I've got my cello exam on Saturday somebody pls pray for me so I don't fuck up.

okay that is all.

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