Sixty (end)

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This part will be pretty long, so just a heads up! Hope you will all enjoy this last chapter~

POV: Byungho
"Hey, there! I don't think you remember me because you were very little when we first met, but I'm one of your daddies' friends! I'm Yuna, nice to meet you. I'm sure you can simply call me 'auntie', though."

When daddy opened the front door, a tall lady with long, black, straight hair appeared. She looked down at me with a bright smile on her face and took out her hand for a high-five, but I wanted to spud her instead.

"Oh, you don't like high-fives?" she laughed, turning her hand into a small fist and gently tapping my knuckles. "You're the very famous Byungho that I've been hearing about, aren't you?"

I nodded violently. " Yeah, I'm Byungho. It's very nice to meet you too!"

"So, young man, tell me a bit about yourself. How old are you now?" I dragged her hand to the living room and we both sat down on the sofa.

"Seven," I said. "b-but I'm very nearly eight, okay? Very nearly! Don't get me wrong, I like being seven, but I'm gonna be eight soon, so I've got to be prepared to become eight!" I shrieked.

"Of course, very nearly!" she chuckled. "Oh, where have your parents gone to? They disappeared on us, how dare they!" she tried to sound serious, but she was still laughing.

"How did you meet them?" I asked shyly, fidgeting around with my hands.

"High school, darling. Me and Yoongi met... uh, through some complicated relationships. It's a long story and it's really not one I think your parents would like for me to share but we somehow ended up knowing each other. I just knew Hoseok because one of my band mates was best friends with him back then."

"Band mates? Were you in a cool band, auntie?"

"Yes, indeed I was! We were pretty good, if I say so myself, but we were definitely not up to the standards of popular punk rock groups today." she smiled.

"What did you play? The drums? The guitar? Did you sing?"

"Nope, I played the bass."

"B-bass? What's that? Like, first base in baseball? Ooh, we played baseball in P.E. the other day!"

"No, no, that's a base!" she giggled. "I played the electric bass, which is like a guitar, but with only four strings. It's got a very low pitch, and you play it by moving your fingers like this."

She made a peace sign with her fingers and then motioned tapping down onto the table, alternating fingers every time she tapped.

"Ooh, that's really cool. Maybe one day you can teach me how to be a rockstar!"

"One day, kiddo," she ruffled my hair. "One day."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Eh? No, not me," she laughed. "I've got myself a beautiful girlfriend, however."

"A girlfriend? So, two women together... Is it anything like my two daddies being together?"

"Mm-hm, it is. Just like how your two daddies are in love, me and my girlfriend are in love. We are going to get married soon."

"Do you love her a lot?"

She nodded. "So much."

"That's good. Also, you better invite me to your wedding," I whispered. "Am I allowed to have a boyfriend someday?"

"You can have a girlfriend, a boyfriend, whatever you desire, kid. As long as you're both in love and the feeling is real, I don't think anybody else should care who it is, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks!"

"Good good. Oh, there they are, finally! Aww, they're holding hands, little cuties." she squealed with delight as they walked through the door.

"Byungho!" dad laughed, holding his arms out as I ran to him and clung onto him.

"Hoseok, since Yuna is here, we might as well invite some other friends and have a house party, right?" daddy suggested.

"But, what 'bout Byungho?"

"He can join us, of course," he scoffed. "Have a little drink of coke if he wants to."

Dad giggled. "You're so stupid, Yoongi. I don't understand half the stuff you say sometimes. That's why I love you."

"What, 'cause I'm stupid?"

"No, course not! It's because you're always yourself, no matter what. And I admire you for being able to find yourself, finally. For stepping out of that playboy image completely and blossoming into the beautiful flower I get to see every single day."

"Pff, shut up. I love you too."

"Ew, they're being all soppy and lovey-dovey again!" I whisper-shouted to auntie.

"This is what we call love, darling. They love each other, and they certainly love you too."

Thanks to everybody on going on this long story-journey with me since last August! It's been a great one, but stories do eventually have to end but at least I ended it on a happy note and not just killed everyone instead haha

I don't have much to say at all but I hope you enjoyed reading this story. I'm kinda attached to the characters but now I must move on to the next tale and get attached to them instead XD

I really do appreciate all of your votes, comments and even just your reads, so thank y'all so much~

Have a fantastic day/night, wherever you are~ <3

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