Forty Nine

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POV: Hoseok
Her funeral was so quiet, so peaceful, and it was raining like hell outside that day.

"I don't know what to do with Byungho," I said slowly, rocking him gently in my arms. "I mean, we have school tomorrow- what the hell is he going to do while we're off getting ourselves an education?"

Byungho was barely a week old, and we were already getting so confused about the stressful journey of parenthood.

"Ugh, I don't know. Let me rock him," Yoongi groaned, his hands reaching forwards as his fingers clasped onto Byungho's torso.

"He's so cute," I smiled, pinching his small cheeks. "He's just so precious, it's absolutely adorable! I can't believe it." I cooed.

"That's because of his hot and handsome daddy, obviously," he laughed. "He's got my amazingly good looks, don't you, buddy?"

"Yeah, yeah, sure," I played along, but the more I looked at Byungho, the more I saw a tiny, smaller version of Yoongi. He really did take after his father a significant amount more than his mother, in my opinion.

"So, what're we gonna do?"

"I don't know, I asked you that first. Can your mother take care of him or something?"

"My mother has been long gone, pff. For all I know, she could be fucking dead by now, and I'd never know shit about it," he scoffed, looking down at Byungho. "Dad is always on some long business trip as well, so I've been on my own for the longest time ever now. I doubt either of 'em are coming back any time soon."

"Oh... how come you never told me anything about your parents before? You never mentioned them in any of our conversations or talked about them at a-" I frowned, seeing his facial expression change from happy to sad instantly.

"I don't like talking about them because they're horrible and cruel. They don't acknowledge my existence at all, and jeez, they don't even know I'm a fucking gay parent, because I don't even bother telling them stuff anymore. There's no flipping point, they're never here anyway so it's not like they'd listen to me."

"Don't say that. I'm sure they do care about you, deep down."

"Then why did they leave me? Both of them?"

I couldn't answer his question.

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