Twenty Six

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POV: Hoseok
"The problem is that I'm now fucking pregnant!" Minji screamed, almost breaking into tears. "He fucking impregnated me! There's literally a baby foetus growing inside my fucking body, and you're telling me that there's no problem?!  What kind of fucking bullshit is that?! Your tricks won't fool me again, Yoongi, so shut the fuck up! I'm not listening to any of that crap anymore!" she shrieked.

"I didn't say a word," he simply shrugged. "Go get an abortion, then. You don't want to keep the baby? Fine. I don't want to be a dad this early anyway. I wouldn't take care of that thing if it was brought into the light of this world either, so I'm sure it's better for the both of us to get get an abortion."

"How can you be so sure that you're actually pregnant, though? Perhaps you just caught a horrible bug," I asked, my eyes wondering down towards her stomach area, but there would have been no point to check so early. "Have you taken a pregnancy test or gotten it checked out at the doctor's?"

"We can go to the pharmacy together to buy a pregnancy test if you want," Yuna quietly offered. She still seemed angry and upset over the whole situation, but she was still kind enough to help a good friend out.

"No, I haven't, but I threw up, and I never throw up, so it could only be that I'm pregnant!" she yelled again. "I don't want to be a mother! Not this early! Not at sixteen! I'm not a teen mum, I don't want to be, and I never will be a teenage parent! No, I don't want to raise and take care of a child!"

"Then get an abortion, I just said!" Yoongi yelled back, and the two of them started an argument in the middle of the pavement. "It's your body, you do what you want! You don't want to kill it, yet you don't want to keep it?! Make up your fucking mind, bitch! What are your parents going to say when they find out that you're pregnant?!"

"Oh, shit, parents," Namjoon muttered, when the realisation hit him, knowing that Minji was going to have to go home, telling her parents that she might just end up becoming a mother at the ripe, young age of sixteen.

"Well, I'll have to tell them that this asshole got me impregnated!" she pointed to him. "Fuck you! I'm not killing this baby, but I'm not keeping it, either! That can be your responsibility! You can become a father and take care of him with Hoseok, can't you? You two seem to already have some sort of secret relationship going on, haven't you, Hoseok?"

"Uhm... erm..." I hesitated.

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