Thirty Two

804 65 13

POV: Yoongi
"I can't believe you actually talked to her like that," I gasped in shock. It wasn't like Hoseok to talk to someone so seriously and frighteningly, especially to his own best friend.

"Oh, please, as if any of the stuff you've said to her has made this any better," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Anyway, forget about her. She's gone, at least for the time being, so how's about we continue what we started, eh?" he tugged on my hair playfully as I brought him closer towards me.

He was still sitting on my lap like an innocent little child, his amazingly beautiful, million dollar smile being put on display for me.

"Like what you see?"

"Oh, shut up, Hobi, stop trying to tease me again. It's annoying!" I huffed, wiggling my eyebrows in frustration. "I know you love me, c'mon, don't do this to me."

"Who said I love you? I never did, so where did you get that from?"

"Don't start this again," I shook my head with a grin. "I think you know exactly what I'm talking 'bout, so stop acting dumb!"

"Mmhm, whatever you say," he nodded along, not seeming to care. "Sure, sure. I love you, okay? Is that any better?"

"Do you mean it, though?"

"If you want me to mean it, I can do that for you," he shrugged casually. "but yeah, I do love you, actually, so I won't be lying to you if I said it to you."

"Yeah, but do you mean it, like right now? At this very moment in time, do you mean it?"

"Yes, Yoongi, I do. I really do, okay? That's a promise," he nodded. "Now, shut up and give me a kiss, will you?"

I was quick to act on his words, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek, until he tugged on my shirt collar and smacked his lips right onto mine fiercely, his face burning with passion and enthusiasm.

"Is that any better?" I asked after pulling away, my voice only coming out as quiet, breathy sighs. "Do you want to carry on?"

He looked me right in the eye with a smirk, his fingers slowly creeping up towards the top button of my shirt.

He used his nails to remove the button, a finger tracing around my now exposed collarbone.

He was still looking right into my eyes as he undid the next button down, his fingers slowly moving their way down.

"Do you want to carry on?" I repeated once again.

"I've already made the first move, though, haven't I?" he grinned.

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