Fifty Two

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POV: Yoongi
"Byungho, my boy! How you doin', eh?" I laughed, picking him up and bouncing him about.

He giggled, his small lips pursed and he squirmed and moved around with excitement.

"You're so cute, you know that? Who's a handsome boy, who's a handsome boy?"

I pinched his cheek lightly and let him sit on my lap as I rapped to him. It was nearly time for his bedtime anyway, so I figured it would have been like a lullaby.

"Yoongs!" Hoseok walked from the kitchen to the living room, where I was. He paused for a second and listened to me spitting some bars with a confused expression on his face.

"What d'ya need, Hobi?"

"Are... are you rapping him to sleep? Really?" he asked, stifling a laugh. "You know that's not going to work, you have to sing to-"

"Eh? He's already fast asleep, so I dunno what you're talking about. He likes my raps, that's why he fell asleep so quickly."

"Or maybe he found them so boring that he fell asleep?" he giggled, as I gently put Byungho down in his little crib.

"Hey, Hoseok, you don't have to be so rude, do you?" I pouted, bringing Hoseok closer towards me.

A smirk appeared on his face as he cupped his hand on the bottom of my chin, leaning in for a sneaky kiss.

"Ooh, Hobi... I see how it is, babe. If you wanted a kiss you should've just asked for one! I'm better at kissing than you are, anyway."

"Oh, shut the hell up. You were the international playboy of the season, weren't you?"

"Hey. Don't bring up my past, I don't wanna think about it. I made some awful fucking mistakes and I really do not want to relive those horrendous memories again."

"Well, this is the present, and now it's the past. The future is always constantly coming towards us, so we might as well move forwards too. Just stop talking, and give me a kiss, okay? If you're so good at kissing, you should just do so instead of whini-"

I didn't let him finish his words and I left him completely breathless by the end of the night.

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